== IRC imaging toolkit version 20110225 == This is a major update of the toolkit for Phase 0--2 from the previous version (20091022). This package is developed and tested with IRAF V2.14. Note that the toolkit for Phase 3 has not been updated but these two toolkits (for Phase 0--2 & for Phase 3) share the IRAF parameter files. As a consequence, IRAF could be confused by using them (and also old & new packages) alternatively. To avoid errors due to this issue, use 'unlearn_all' each time after loading a toolkit package (i.e. irc or irc_p3). ++ Install ++ The procedure for installing the package has not been changed and the instruction is written in the IRC Data Users Manual. Note that this version is a FULL package, and thus unpacking the tar file will overwrite an 'irc/' directory if exists. In order to keep an older version of the toolkit, the existing 'irc/' directory needs to be renamed or moved. ++ Summary of updates ++ (1) The main reduction script 'pipeline' has been divided into two scripts: 'pipeline1' & 'pipeline2'. (2) The reduction order has been changed. (3) New options for dark subtractions are available. (4) The latest flat patterns for L15 & L24 have been included. (The conversion factors for the flux calibratio listed in the Data Users Manual are still valid.) (5) Handling of masked pixels has been modified. (6) New tasks for removing the effect of the earth-shine light and for coadding frames, which uses the IRAF task 'xregister', have been developed. For more detail of these revisions, please see another document 'README_20110225_detail.txt' included in the tar package. The user manual will be revised accordingly in a near future. ++ Useful references ++ AKARI Observer's web http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/ASTRO-F/Observation/ http://akari.esac.esa.int/observers/ AKARI Help desk iris_help@ir.isas.jaxa.jp http://akari.esac.esa.int/esupport/ == EOF ==