CIO position search tool

Masahiro Tanaka
updated the data to Edition 5 (1999) on Aug 25, 1999

Original Data: The Catalog of Infrared Observations (CIO) Edition 5 (Nov 1999)
is provided by NASA/GSFC. See Acknowledgment below.
CIO search is available also at:
CIO home page (ver 5, May 1999)
VizieR Service at CDS, Strasbourg

POSITION SEARCH: Examples (see below)
Right Ascension (1950): 260.708 17h22m50s
Declination (1950): -34.381 -34d26'5"
Distance Angle (< 15 degrees):
SEARCH RESULT: extracted lines from CIO database file 'as is'

Coordinate conversion tool


Coordinate format:

(-)[numerical value][suffix character]

      [suffix-char]  : [unit]
    (no-suffix) or d : degrees         h : hours    (1h = 15 deg)
                   ' : arcminutes      m : minutes  (1m = 15')
                   " : arcseconds      s : seconds  (1s = 15")
                   r : radian  (1r = 57.3 deg)

examples values
12.34 12.34 degrees
12h34m56.78s 12 hours + 34 minutes + 56 seconds = 188.7366 degrees
-10 10'10" -(10 degrees + 10 arcminutes + 10 arcseconds) = -10.1694 degrees
-1 -1 1 -(1 degrees - (1 degrees + 1 degrees)) = 1 degrees
1.5r 1.5 radian = 85.9437 degrees

Masahiro Tanaka <masa @>
Last modified: Jun 3, 2000