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Mid- and Far-Infrared Astronomy and
Future Space Missions


General Information of the Proceedings

The proceedings of the international workshop ``Mid- and Far-infrared Astronomy and Future Space Missions", 17-18 April 2000, at ISAS, JAPAN, will be published as an ISAS Report Special Edition(SP No. 14).

The title of the proceedings will be the same as that of the workshop:

Mid- and Far-infrared Astronomy and Future Space Missions
(ed. T. Matsumoto & H. Shibai)

Manuscript due date: 30 June, 2000

The length of each manuscript should not exceed 8 pages.

Color figures should not be included.

However, we plan to include some (max.10) color pages in the proceedings, so please consult LOC if you have figures for which coloring is critically important.

All manuscripts must be submitted in an electric form, written with the LaTeX macro which can be downloaded from this page, to our anonymous FTP server( See Author's Guide(PDF) for the instruction.

Important Notice on Copyright Agreement

Before submitting the manuscript for the proceedings published as an ISAS Report, please read the following two statements, and if you agree to them, then submit your manuscript:
  1. The copyright of all papers included in the proceedings belongs to ISAS.
  2. When each author's manuscript is received, then it is assumed that he/she agrees to the above statement.

LaTeX Macro package and its user's guide

Please download all necessary files from:

Or click & save each file below:

  1. isasrep.cls (a LaTeX2e document class for ISAS Report)
  2. caption2.sty (a style file for the figure, table captions)
  3. isize10.clo , isize11.clo (parts of the LaTeX2e system)
  4. sample.tex (a simple sample source file(template))
  5. namae.eps , h2l2.eps (sample EPS figures used in sample.tex)
  6. guide.tex (source file of the author's guide(see below), optional)
Or, please download one of below two packages:
  1. Macro package(gzipped-tar,~200KB)
  2. Macro package(Compressed-tar,~250KB)
A guide for preparation of the manuscripts can be downloaded from below: (First of all, read this carefully)
  1. Author's Guide(Postscript,~200KB)
  2. Author's Guide(PDF, ~258KB)

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Last modified on May 15, 2000