AKARI/IRC MIR-S slit-less spectroscopic catalogue

[Last update: 08 Nov 2018]

Brief Description

A catalogue of mid-infrared slit-less spectra (5.5-12.5 µm) extracted from the AKARI/IRC MIR-S spectroscopic observation data. All 886 MIR-S spectroscopic data obtained in Phases 1&2 are analyzed, and 862 spectra of 604 individual sources that are little contaminated by nearby sources are catalogued. We also present a 9 µm point source catalogue generated as a by-product. The point source catalogue contains 42,387 sources brighter than 0.3 mJy.


Users of the data are strongly recommended to read these documents prior to playing with the data.



Spectroscopic toolkit used for the data reduction (for Phase 1&2, ver. 20181203) is available on the IRC Data Reduction Support Page [link].

Scientific Analysis

The use of this catalogue for the scientific analysis should follow the guidelines for publication.
