== IRC imaging toolkit for Phase 3 version 20131202 == This is a minor update of the IRC imaging toolkit for Phase 3, which has been developed and tested with IRAF v2.14 & 2.16. Please note that the toolkit has not been tested with the latest IRAF v2.16.1. The changes from the previous version (20081015) are as follows. ++ Summary of updates ++ (1) The task 'ircslice' called by 'prepipeline' as well as 'prepipeline' itself are updated to be compatible with Perl v5.12 or later (also compatible with the earlier versions). (2) 'prepipeline' and 'pipeline' check if the data really exist, and stop if no valid FITS data are found. (3) A parameter file 'irc_p3.par' is added. This is a workaround to the error issued when the toolkit is installed under "iraf$extern" with IRAF v2.15 or later. Note that the toolkit can be installed everywhere you want, but that if the 'irc_p3' directory is placed under "iraf$extern" with IRAF v2.15 or later editing "iraf$unix/hlib/extern.pkg" is not necessary any more. ++ Known issues ++ (a) The IRAF task 'cosmicrays' may fail when the 64-bit IRAF v2.15 or later is used. Users can skip this procedure by setting cosmicray=no in pipeline or apply the patch 'x_crutil.e' to the IRAF. For more detailss, see the Appendix. (b) Pixel values in the output images from the pipeline sometimes different by small amount depending on the OS and IRAF versions. For instance, images after the dark or flat correction processed with the 32-bit and the 64-bit IRAF are found to be different on some occasions. The difference is small (0.5 count at most as far as we know). No difference is found between images from IRAF v2.14 and v2.16. ++ Appendix ++ (i) How to apply the patch 'x_crutil.e' - download from the ftp site for linux, ftp://iraf.noao.edu/iraf/v216/support/linux64/x_crutil.e for mac, ftp://iraf.noao.edu/iraf/v216/support/macintel/x_crutil.e - place the file into for linux, noao$bin.linux64/ for mac, noao$bin.macintel/ - move to the directory and change the permission > chmod a+x x_crutil.e (ii) Updated files in this package - irc_p3.par (new) - lib/constants.database - lib/constants.database.1310 - pipeline.cl - pkg/redbox/ircslice.cl - prepipeline.cl - welcome.txt === EOF