Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS

Registration Form (2nd Cricular)

Please fill in the following columns completely, and send it back to the address below.
irts_symp @ ir.isas.jaxa.jp
Dead line is September 10, 1996.
1. Personal information
   Your name :
   Affiliation :
   Address :
   Phone number :
   FAX number :
   E-mail address :

2. Limited financial support for your living expenses is probably
   possible. Do you need it?                                 Yes       No

3. Will you present a contributed paper?                     Yes       No
   If Yes, please specify the form of the presentation      poster    oral

4. All speakers including posters are asked to send abstract with 
   LATEX file. Template is shown below.

%%%                                                                     %%%
%%%     This is a LATEX-template for the abstracts of                  %%%
%%%             the International Symposium                             %%%
%%%     "Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS"                       %%%
%%%                                                                     %%%
%%%     Please submit your abstract using this form no later than       %%%
%%%             September 10, 1996                                      %%%
%%%     to the following address                                        %%%
%%%             irts_symp @ ir.isas.jaxa.jp                        %%%
%%%                                                                     %%%
%%%     The maximum length of the abstract is 1 page                    %%%

%       Please write the title of your abstract
%       between the following two brackets.
\title{International Symposium:\\
        Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS}
%       Here comes the author(s) of the paper, and their affilications
%       between the following two brackets.
\author{H. Okuda$^{1}$, T. Matsumoto$^{1}$, and T.L. Roellig$^{2}$\\
        $^{1}$The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan\\
        $^{2}$NASA Ames Research Center, USA}
%       Ignore the following several line

%       Type the text below. The maximum total length is 1 page.
This an example file of the abstract for the International Symposium
``Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS''.

The main purpose of this Symposium is to present the results of the IRTS
mission to the world wide community of the astronomers and astrophysicists,
and to achieve comprehensive understandings on the diffuse infrared
The Symposium is also concerned with current and future space infrared
missions. We plan the presentation of early results of the ISO mission, as
well as the discussion on future missions after the IRTS and ISO.

Information on this Symposium can be seen on the following Web site:
{\tt http://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/irts\_symp.html}

Please send the abstract of your paper using this template to
{\tt irts\_symp @ ir.isas.jaxa.jp}
no later than September 10, 1996.
%       end of text

{\bf References}
%       Type references here if you need them starting with ``\item''.
\item Murakami, H. et al. 1994, ApJ, 428, 354
\item Noda, M., Matsumoto, T., Matsuura, S., Noguchi, K., Tanaka, M.
        Lim, M.A., \& Murakami, H. 1994, ApJ, 428, 363
\item Roellig, T.L., Onaka, T., McMahon, T.J., \& Tanab\'e, T. 1994,
        ApJ, 428, 370
%       end of references
%       end of abstract

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irts_symp @ ir.isas.jaxa.jp