Aims and Scope
The first international conference on the science of
SPICA (Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) mission
will be held on 18-21 June, 2013.
The conference is open to interested scientists from around the world.
The primary aims of the conference are to introduce the scientific
capabilities of the SPICA mission to the international community, and
to foster interactions in the IR community on how to optimally utilise
this new facility to further explore the physical processes in
formation and evolution of planets, stars and galaxies.
Call For Papers
We welcome your contribution to the conference, either in the oral talks or posters. Please submit your presentation title abstract via with your registration.The contributing talks will be 15 to 30 min length (incl. questions and comments). The SOC will select appropriate oral presentations to construct the conference programme. The selection result will be informed by the end of May. Those who do not have a time slot in the oral session can naturally present a poster.
An assumed poster size is A0. Details will be informed later.
Conference fee: 20,000 JPY (student discount: 15,000 JPY)
(Conference fee does not include meals )
(Updated on 2013.05.01)
What's New
- 2013.06.13 SPICA Fact Sheet Updated
- 2013.06.11 Final Announcement
- 2013.06.03 Conference programme in time table / List of posters
- 2013.05.28 Third Announcement
- 2013.05.28 The presentation list is uploaded on the program page.
- 2013.05.01 News for participants
Important Dates
- May 15 15:00 JST (= 06:00 GMT):
Deadline for abstract for oral presentations - May 31 15:00 JST (= 06:00 GMT):
Deadline for registration/abstract submission (Late registration may be accepted with increased fee) - June 1: Final programme presented
- June 18-21: SPICA Conference
Contact address
E-mail : spica2013 @ ir.isas.jaxa.jp