2MASS Catalog Server Kit

Hard Drive Copy Service

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Installing all supported catalogs into PostgreSQL database, it needs 3TB of hard drive. Furthermore, registering all data requires a lot of time.

If you send a 3TB (or more) SATA hard drive to NAOJ(Tokyo/Japan), I can copy the PostgreSQL database with all supported catalogs into your hard drive, and I return it using EMS. In this case, however, you have to use Linux x86_64 edition (CentOS is recommended) and PostgreSQL-8.4.x.

I can also copy all text data files for catalog database into your hard drive.

If you want to use this service, please contact me with this Email:  cyamauch(at)ir.isas.jaxa.jp

When your hard drive is returned, install it with next steps:

1. Edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux to disable SELinux:


2. Reboot your OS.

3. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf to setup shared memory. This is not required on CentOS.

# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes
kernel.shmmax = 68719476736

4. Install PostgreSQL-8.4.x using yum command. Following example is for CentOS-6:

$ su
# yum install postgresql
# yum install postgresql-devel
# yum install postgresql-server

See also install procedure.

5. Use returned drive like this:

$ su
# /sbin/service postgresql stop         <-- Stop PostgreSQL service
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/drivename        <-- In this case, your hard drive is /dev/sdb
# mkdir /db
# mount --bind /mnt/drivename /db
# chown root:root /db
# chmod 755 /db
# chown -R postgres:postgres /db/pgsql
# exit

6. Download 2MASS Kit source package, and install it:

$ tar zxvf 2masskit-2.x.tar.gz          <-- Extract 2MASS kit package
$ cd 2masskit-2.x
$ ln -s Makefile.linux64 Makefile
$ make                                  <-- Build 2MASS Kit
# su
# make install

7. Edit postgresql.conf if required:

# vi /db/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

Basic parameters in postgresql.conf are listed below; values show typical settings for PCs:

shared_buffers = 128MB
work_mem = 512MB
maintenance_work_mem = 128MB
checkpoint_segments = 10
effective_cache_size = 256MB

See also Tuning section.

8. Start PostgreSQL service:

# /sbin/service postgresql start

9. Edit /etc/fstab:

/dev/sdb1               /mnt/drivename          ext3    defaults        1 2
/mnt/drivename          /db                     none    bind            0 0

10. Confirm password of PostgreSQL roles:

# cat /db/pgsql_passwd.txt

11. Then you can login as postgres, admin or guest using psql shell:

$ psql -U admin 2MASS

See Usage section.