2MASS Catalog Server Kit

Information about table columns

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Symbol for Database Index

P Primary Key
S Single Column Index
Cn Composite Index
Un Unique Constraint


VARCHAR(n)* means that the column is defined as VARCHAR, but the length of string is always n.

2MASS PSC Official Site

Number of rows: 470,992,970.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT4P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2designationVARCHAR(17)* Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form: hhmmssss+ddmmsss[ABC...].
3raFLOAT8 deg J2000 right ascension.
4decFLOAT8 deg J2000 declination.
5err_majFLOAT4 arcsec Semi-major axis length of the one sigma position uncertainty ellipse.
6err_minFLOAT4 arcsec Semi-minor axis length of the one sigma position uncertainty ellipse.
7err_angINT2 deg Position angle on the sky of the semi-major axis of the position uncertainty ellipse (East of North).
8j_mFLOAT4Y S mag Default J-band magnitude, or if the source is not detected in the J-band, the 95% confidence upper limit derived from a 4" radius aperture measurement taken at the position of the source on the Atlas Image.
9j_cmsigFLOAT4Y mag Corrected photometric uncertainty for the default J-band magnitude. If rd_flg[1]="2", this is the measurement error from the profile-fitting procedure, corrected to be consistent with observed repeatability statistics.
10j_msigcomFLOAT4Y mag Combined, or total photometric uncertainty for the default J-band magnitude.
11j_snrFLOAT4Y mag J-band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio..
12h_mFLOAT4Y S mag Default H-band magnitude, or if the source is not detected in the H-band, the 95% confidence upper limit derived from a 4" radius aperture measurement taken at the position of the source on the Atlas Image.
13h_cmsigFLOAT4Y mag Corrected photometric uncertainty for the default H-band magnitude. If rd_flg[1]="2", this is the measurement error from the profile-fitting procedure, corrected to be consistent with observed repeatability statistics.
14h_msigcomFLOAT4Y mag Combined, or total photometric uncertainty for the default H-band magnitude.
15h_snrFLOAT4Y mag H-band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio..
16k_mFLOAT4Y S mag Default Ks-band magnitude, or if the source is not detected in the Ks-band, the 95% confidence upper limit derived from a 4" radius aperture measurement taken at the position of the source on the Atlas Image.
17k_cmsigFLOAT4Y mag Corrected photometric uncertainty for the default Ks-band magnitude. If rd_flg[1]="2", this is the measurement error from the profile-fitting procedure, corrected to be consistent with observed repeatability statistics.
18k_msigcomFLOAT4Y mag Combined, or total photometric uncertainty for the default Ks-band magnitude.
19k_snrFLOAT4Y mag Ks-band "scan" signal-to-noise ratio..
20ph_qualVARCHAR(3)* Photometric quality flag.
21rd_flgVARCHAR(3)* Read flag.
22bl_flgVARCHAR(3)* Blend flag.
23cc_flgVARCHAR(3)* Contamination and confusion flag.
24ndetVARCHAR(6)* Frame detection statistics.
25proxFLOAT4 arcsec Proximity. The distance between this source and its nearest neighbor in the PSC.
26pxpaINT2Y deg The position angle on the sky of the vector from the source to the nearest neighbor in the PSC, in degrees East of North.
27pxcntrINT4 The pts_key value of the nearest source in the PSC.
28gal_contamINT2 Extended source "contamination" flag.
29mp_flgINT2 Minor Planet Flag. Indicates if this source is associated with the predicted position of a known minor planet, comet, planet or planetary satellite.
30pts_keyINT4 A unique identification number for the PSC source.
31hemisVARCHAR(1)* Hemisphere code for the 2MASS Observatory from which this source was observed.
32dateDATE The observation reference date for this source expressed in ISO standard format.
33scanINT2 The nightly scan number in which the source was detected.
34glonFLOAT4 deg Galactic longitude.
35glatFLOAT4 deg Galactic latitude.
36x_scanFLOAT4 arcsec Mean cross-scan focal plane position of the source in the Universal scan (U-scan) coordinate system.
37jdateFLOAT8 day The Julian Date of the source measurement accurate to +30 seconds.
38j_psfchiFLOAT4Y Reduced chi-squared goodness-of-fit value for the J-band profile-fit photometry made on the 1.3 s "Read_2" exposures.
39h_psfchiFLOAT4Y Reduced chi-squared goodness-of-fit value for the H-band profile-fit photometry made on the 1.3 s "Read_2" exposures.
40k_psfchiFLOAT4Y Reduced chi-squared goodness-of-fit value for the Ks-band profile-fit photometry made on the 1.3 s "Read_2" exposures.
41j_m_stdapFLOAT4Y mag J-band "standard" aperture magnitude.
42j_msig_stdapFLOAT4Y mag Uncertainty in the J-band standard aperture magnitude.
43h_m_stdapFLOAT4Y mag H-band "standard" aperture magnitude.
44h_msig_stdapFLOAT4Y mag Uncertainty in the H-band standard aperture magnitude.
45k_m_stdapFLOAT4Y mag Ks-band "standard" aperture magnitude.
46k_msig_stdapFLOAT4Y mag Uncertainty in the Ks-band standard aperture magnitude.
47dist_edge_nsINT2 arcsec The distance from the source to the nearest North or South scan edge.
48dist_edge_ewINT2 arcsec The distance from the source to the nearest East or West scan edge.
49dist_edge_flgVARCHAR(2)* Two character flag that specifies to which scan edges a source lies closest, and to which edges the dist_edge_ns and dist_edge_ew values refer.
50dup_srcINT2 Duplicate source flag.
51use_srcINT2 Use source flag.
52aVARCHAR(1)* Catalog identifier of an optical source from either the Tycho 2 or USNO-A2.0 catalog that falls within ~5" of the 2MASS source position.
53dist_optFLOAT4Y arcsec Distance separating 2MASS source position and associated optical source within 5".
54phi_optINT2Y deg Position angle on the sky of the vector from the the associated optical source to the 2MASS source position, in degrees East of North.
55b_m_optFLOAT4Y mag Blue magnitude of associated optical source.
56vr_m_optFLOAT4Y mag Visual or red magnitude of the associated optical source.
57nopt_mchsINT2 The number of USNO-A2.0 or Tycho 2 optical sources found within a 5" radius of the 2MASS position.
58ext_keyINT4Y Unique identification number of the record in the XSC that corresponds to this point source.
59scan_keyINT4 Unique identification number of the record in the Scan Information Table (NOT YET AVAILABLE) that corresponds to the survey scan in which this source was detected.
60coadd_keyINT4 Unique identification number of the record in the Atlas Image Data Table (NOT YET AVAILABLE) that corresponds to Image in which the position of this source falls.
61coaddINT2 Sequence number of the Atlas Image in which the position of this source falls.
62cxFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
63cyFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
64czFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).

WISE All-Sky Release Catalog Official Site

Number of rows: 563,921,584.

NOTE: columns w1frtr - w4frtr do not exist in this table, since cells in those columns are always 0.0.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT4P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2designationVARCHAR(19)* Unique WISE source designation.
3raFLOAT8 deg Right ascension (J2000).
4decFLOAT8 deg Declination (J2000).
5e_raFLOAT4Y arcsec Uncertainty in RA.
6e_decFLOAT4Y arcsec Uncertainty in DEC.
7e_radecFLOAT4Y arcsec Uncertainty cross-term.
8glonFLOAT8 deg Galactic longitude.
9glatFLOAT8 deg Galactic latitude.
10elonFLOAT8 deg Ecliptic longitude.
11elatFLOAT8 deg Ecliptic latitude.
12wxFLOAT8 pix x-pixel coordinate, all bands.
13wyFLOAT8 pix y-pixel coordinate, all bands.
14cntrINT8 Unique entry counter (key) number.
15source_idVARCHAR(20)* Unique source ID (coadd ID and source number).
16coadd_idVARCHAR(13)* Coadd ID.
17srcINT4 Source number in coadd.
18w1_mproFLOAT4YS mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 1.
19w1_sigmproFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 1.
20w1_snrFLOAT4Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 1.
21w1_rchi2FLOAT8Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band 1.
22w2_mproFLOAT4YS mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 2.
23w2_sigmproFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 2.
24w2_snrFLOAT4Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 2.
25w2_rchi2FLOAT8Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band 2.
26w3_mproFLOAT4YS mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 3.
27w3_sigmproFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 3.
28w3_snrFLOAT4Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 3.
29w3_rchi2FLOAT8Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band 3.
30w4_mproFLOAT4YS mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 4.
31w4_sigmproFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 4.
32w4_snrFLOAT4Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 4.
33w4_rchi2FLOAT8Y Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band 4.
34rchi2FLOAT8 Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi squared, total.
35nbINT2 Number of blend components used in each fit.
36naINT2 Active deblend flag (=1 if actively deblended).
37w1_satFLOAT4Y Fraction of pixels affected by saturation, band 1.
38w2_satFLOAT4Y Fraction of pixels affected by saturation, band 2.
39w3_satFLOAT4Y Fraction of pixels affected by saturation, band 3.
40w4_satFLOAT4Y Fraction of pixels affected by saturation, band 4.
41satnumVARCHAR(4)* Minimum sample at which saturation occurs in frame stack, 1 char per band.
42cc_flagsVARCHAR(4)* Prioritized artifacts affecting the source in each band.
43ext_flgINT2 Probability that source morphology is not consistent with single PSF.
44var_flgVARCHAR(4)* Probability that flux varied in any band greater than amount expected from unc.s.
45ph_qualVARCHAR(4)* Photometric quality of each band (A=highest, U=upper limit).
46det_bitINT2 Bit-encoded integer indicating detection for each band.
47moon_levVARCHAR(4)* Level of moon contamination in coadd (ceiling(#frmmoon/#frames*10)), 1 per band.
48w1_nmINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band 1.
49w1_mINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band 1.
50w2_nmINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band 2.
51w2_mINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band 2.
52w3_nmINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band 3.
53w3_mINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band 3.
54w4_nmINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band 4.
55w4_mINT2Y Number of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band 4.
56w1_covFLOAT4Y Mean coverage depth, band 1.
57w2_covFLOAT4Y Mean coverage depth, band 2.
58w3_covFLOAT4Y Mean coverage depth, band 3.
59w4_covFLOAT4Y Mean coverage depth, band 4.
60w1_cc_mapINT2 Contamination and confusion bit array for the source in band 1.
61w1_cc_map_strVARCHAR(4)Y Contamination and confusion character array for the source in band 1.
62w2_cc_mapINT2 Contamination and confusion bit array for the source in band 2.
63w2_cc_map_strVARCHAR(4)Y Contamination and confusion character array for the source in band 2.
64w3_cc_mapINT2 Contamination and confusion bit array for the source in band 3.
65w3_cc_map_strVARCHAR(4)Y Contamination and confusion character array for the source in band 3.
66w4_cc_mapINT2 Contamination and confusion bit array for the source in band 4.
67w4_cc_map_strVARCHAR(4)Y Contamination and confusion character array for the source in band 4.
68w1_fluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux, band 1.
69w1_sigfluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band 1.
70w1_skyFLOAT8Y dn Sky background value, band 1.
71w1_sigskFLOAT4Y dn Sky background value uncertainty, band 1.
72w1_confFLOAT4Y dn Sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band 1.
73w2_fluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux, band 2.
74w2_sigfluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band 2.
75w2_skyFLOAT8Y dn Sky background value, band 2.
76w2_sigskFLOAT4Y dn Sky background value uncertainty, band 2.
77w2_confFLOAT4Y dn Sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band 2.
78w3_fluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux, band 3.
79w3_sigfluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band 3.
80w3_skyFLOAT8Y dn Sky background value, band 3.
81w3_sigskFLOAT4Y dn Sky background value uncertainty, band 3.
82w3_confFLOAT4Y dn Sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band 3.
83w4_fluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux, band 4.
84w4_sigfluxFLOAT8Y dn Profile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band 4.
85w4_skyFLOAT8Y dn Sky background value, band 4.
86w4_sigskFLOAT4Y dn Sky background value uncertainty, band 4.
87w4_confFLOAT4Y dn Sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band 4.
88w1_magFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag w/ aperture correction applied, band 1.
89w1_sigmFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty, band 1.
90w1_flgINT2Y Instrumental standard aperture flag, band 1.
91w1_mcorFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental aperture correction, band 1, std ap.
92w2_magFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag w/ aperture correction applied, band 2.
93w2_sigmFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty, band 2.
94w2_flgINT2Y Instrumental standard aperture flag, band 2.
95w2_mcorFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental aperture correction, band 2, std ap.
96w3_magFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag w/ aperture correction applied, band 3.
97w3_sigmFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty, band 3.
98w3_flgINT2Y Instrumental standard aperture flag, band 3.
99w3_mcorFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental aperture correction, band 3, std ap.
100w4_magFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag w/ aperture correction applied, band 4.
101w4_sigmFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty, band 4.
102w4_flgINT2Y Instrumental standard aperture flag, band 4.
103w4_mcorFLOAT4Y mag Instrumental aperture correction, band 4, std ap.
104w1_mag_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag, band 1.
105w1_sigm_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1.
106w1_flg_1INT2Y Aperture 1 instrumental aperture flag, band 1.
107w2_mag_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag, band 2.
108w2_sigm_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2.
109w2_flg_1INT2Y Aperture 1 instrumental aperture flag, band 2.
110w3_mag_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag, band 3.
111w3_sigm_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 3.
112w3_flg_1INT2Y Aperture 1 instrumental aperture flag, band 3.
113w4_mag_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag, band 4.
114w4_sigm_1FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 4.
115w4_flg_1INT2Y Aperture 1 instrumental aperture flag, band 4.
116w1_mag_2FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 2.
117w1_sigm_2FLOAT4Y mag
119w2_mag_2FLOAT4Y mag
120w2_sigm_2FLOAT4Y mag
122w3_mag_2FLOAT4Y mag
123w3_sigm_2FLOAT4Y mag
125w4_mag_2FLOAT4Y mag
126w4_sigm_2FLOAT4Y mag
128w1_mag_3FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 3.
129w1_sigm_3FLOAT4Y mag
131w2_mag_3FLOAT4Y mag
132w2_sigm_3FLOAT4Y mag
134w3_mag_3FLOAT4Y mag
135w3_sigm_3FLOAT4Y mag
137w4_mag_3FLOAT4Y mag
138w4_sigm_3FLOAT4Y mag
140w1_mag_4FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 4.
141w1_sigm_4FLOAT4Y mag
143w2_mag_4FLOAT4Y mag
144w2_sigm_4FLOAT4Y mag
146w3_mag_4FLOAT4Y mag
147w3_sigm_4FLOAT4Y mag
149w4_mag_4FLOAT4Y mag
150w4_sigm_4FLOAT4Y mag
152w1_mag_5FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 5.
153w1_sigm_5FLOAT4Y mag
155w2_mag_5FLOAT4Y mag
156w2_sigm_5FLOAT4Y mag
158w3_mag_5FLOAT4Y mag
159w3_sigm_5FLOAT4Y mag
161w4_mag_5FLOAT4Y mag
162w4_sigm_5FLOAT4Y mag
164w1_mag_6FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 6.
165w1_sigm_6FLOAT4Y mag
167w2_mag_6FLOAT4Y mag
168w2_sigm_6FLOAT4Y mag
170w3_mag_6FLOAT4Y mag
171w3_sigm_6FLOAT4Y mag
173w4_mag_6FLOAT4Y mag
174w4_sigm_6FLOAT4Y mag
176w1_mag_7FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 7.
177w1_sigm_7FLOAT4Y mag
179w2_mag_7FLOAT4Y mag
180w2_sigm_7FLOAT4Y mag
182w3_mag_7FLOAT4Y mag
183w3_sigm_7FLOAT4Y mag
185w4_mag_7FLOAT4Y mag
186w4_sigm_7FLOAT4Y mag
188w1_mag_8FLOAT4Y mag Aperture 8.
189w1_sigm_8FLOAT4Y mag
191w2_mag_8FLOAT4Y mag
192w2_sigm_8FLOAT4Y mag
194w3_mag_8FLOAT4Y mag
195w3_sigm_8FLOAT4Y mag
197w4_mag_8FLOAT4Y mag
198w4_sigm_8FLOAT4Y mag
200w1_magpFLOAT4Y mag Profile-fit repeatability mag -- inverse-variance weighted mean mag, band 1.
201w1_sigp1FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 1.
202w1_sigp2FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 1.
203w1_dmagFLOAT4Y mag Difference between maximum and minimum mag, band 1.
204w1_ndfINT2 Number degrees of freedom in variability chi^2, band 1.
205w1_mlqINT2Y -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(chi^2), band 1.
206w1_mjdminFLOAT8Y Minimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1.
207w1_mjdmaxFLOAT8Y Maximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1.
208w1_mjdmeanFLOAT8Y Mean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1.
209w2_magpFLOAT4Y mag Profile-fit repeatability mag -- inverse-variance weighted mean mag, band 2.
210w2_sigp1FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 2.
211w2_sigp2FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 2.
212w2_dmagFLOAT4Y mag Difference between maximum and minimum mag, band 2.
213w2_ndfINT2 Number degrees of freedom in variability chi^2, band 2.
214w2_mlqINT2Y -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(chi^2), band 2.
215w2_mjdminFLOAT8Y Minimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2.
216w2_mjdmaxFLOAT8Y Maximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2.
217w2_mjdmeanFLOAT8Y Mean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2.
218w3_magpFLOAT4Y mag Profile-fit repeatability mag -- inverse-variance weighted mean mag, band 3.
219w3_sigp1FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 3.
220w3_sigp2FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 3.
221w3_dmagFLOAT4Y mag Difference between maximum and minimum mag, band 3.
222w3_ndfINT2 Number degrees of freedom in variability chi^2, band 3.
223w3_mlqINT2Y -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(chi^2), band 3.
224w3_mjdminFLOAT8Y Minimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 3.
225w3_mjdmaxFLOAT8Y Maximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 3.
226w3_mjdmeanFLOAT8Y Mean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 3.
227w4_magpFLOAT4Y mag Profile-fit repeatability mag -- inverse-variance weighted mean mag, band 4.
228w4_sigp1FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 4.
229w4_sigp2FLOAT4Y mag Standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 4.
230w4_dmagFLOAT4Y mag Difference between maximum and minimum mag, band 4.
231w4_ndfINT2 Number degrees of freedom in variability chi^2, band 4.
232w4_mlqINT2Y -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(chi^2), band 4.
233w4_mjdminFLOAT8Y Minimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 4.
234w4_mjdmaxFLOAT8Y Maximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 4.
235w4_mjdmeanFLOAT8Y Mean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 4.
236rho12INT2Y % band 1 - band 2 correlation coefficient.
237rho23INT2Y % band 2 - band 3 correlation coefficient.
238rho34INT2Y % band 3 - band 4 correlation coefficient.
239q12INT2Y -log10(1 - P(rho12)), given no real correlation.
240q23INT2Y -log10(1 - P(rho23)), given no real correlation.
241q34INT2Y -log10(1 - P(rho34)), given no real correlation.
242xscproxFLOAT4Y arcsec Distance between source center and XSC galaxy.
243w1_rsemiFLOAT4Y arcsec Semi-major axis of galaxy from XSC, band 1.
244w1_baFLOAT4Y Axis ratio of galaxy from XSC, band 1.
245w1_paFLOAT4Y deg Position angle (E of N) of galaxy from XSC, band 1.
246w1_gmagFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag of extracted galaxy, band 1.
247w1_gerrFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag uncertainty of extracted galaxy, band 1.
248w1_gflgINT2Y Elliptical aperture flag of extracted galaxy, band 1.
249w2_rsemiFLOAT4Y arcsec Semi-major axis of galaxy from XSC, band 2.
250w2_baFLOAT4Y Axis ratio of galaxy from XSC, band 2.
251w2_paFLOAT4Y deg Position angle (E of N) of galaxy from XSC, band 2.
252w2_gmagFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag of extracted galaxy, band 2.
253w2_gerrFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag uncertainty of extracted galaxy, band 2.
254w2_gflgINT2Y Elliptical aperture flag of extracted galaxy, band 2.
255w3_rsemiFLOAT4Y arcsec Semi-major axis of galaxy from XSC, band 3.
256w3_baFLOAT4Y Axis ratio of galaxy from XSC, band 3.
257w3_paFLOAT4Y deg Position angle (E of N) of galaxy from XSC, band 3.
258w3_gmagFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag of extracted galaxy, band 3.
259w3_gerrFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag uncertainty of extracted galaxy, band 3.
260w3_gflgINT2Y Elliptical aperture flag of extracted galaxy, band 3.
261w4_rsemiFLOAT4Y arcsec Semi-major axis of galaxy from XSC, band 4.
262w4_baFLOAT4Y Axis ratio of galaxy from XSC, band 4.
263w4_paFLOAT4Y deg Position angle (E of N) of galaxy from XSC, band 4.
264w4_gmagFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag of extracted galaxy, band 4.
265w4_gerrFLOAT4Y mag Elliptical aperture mag uncertainty of extracted galaxy, band 4.
266w4_gflgINT2Y Elliptical aperture flag of extracted galaxy, band 4.
267tmass_keyINT4Y Closest associated 2MASS All-Sky Release PSC key.
268r_2massFLOAT4Y arcsec Radial offset between WISE src and associated 2MASS src.
269pa_2massFLOAT4Y deg Position angle (E of N) of vector from WISE src to associated 2MASS src.
270n_2massINT2 Number of 2MASS All-Sky PSC entries found within search radius of WISE src.
271j_m_2massFLOAT4Y mag J magnitude entry of the associated 2MASS All-Sky PSC source.
272j_msig_2massFLOAT4Y mag J photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS All-Sky PSC source.
273h_m_2massFLOAT4Y mag H magnitude entry of the associated 2MASS All-Sky PSC source.
274h_msig_2massFLOAT4Y mag H photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS All-Sky PSC source.
275k_m_2massFLOAT4Y mag Ks magnitude entry of the associated 2MASS All-Sky PSC source.
276k_msig_2massFLOAT4Y mag Ks photometric uncertainty of the associated 2MASS All-Sky PSC source.
277best_use_cntrINT8 cntr of source to use from 'best' duplicate resolution group for this source.
278ngrpINT2 Number of duplicate resolution groups in which this source resides.
279spt_indINT4 Spatial (x,y,z) index key.
280cxFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
281cyFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec)..
282czFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec)..

USNO-B1.0 Catalog CDS Site

Number of rows: 1,045,175,762.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT8P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2usnob1_idVARCHAR(12)* Designation of the object.
3tycho2_idVARCHAR(12)*Y Designation in the Tycho-2 Catalog.
4raFLOAT8 deg Right Ascension at Eq=J2000, Ep=J2000.
5decFLOAT8 deg Declination at Eq=J2000, Ep=J2000.
6e_raINT2Y mas Mean error on ra*cos(dec) at epoch.
7e_decINT2Y mas Mean error on dec at Epoch.
8epochFLOAT4Y yr Mean epoch of observation.
9pm_raINT2 mas/yr Proper motion in Right Ascension (relative to YS4.0).
10pm_decINT2 mas/yr Proper motion in Declination (relative to YS4.0).
11e_pm_raINT2Y mas/yr Mean error on pm_ra.
12e_pm_decINT2Y mas/yr Mean error on pm_dec.
13pm_probINT2Y 0.1 Total Proper Motion probability.
14e_fit_raFLOAT4Y arcsec Mean error on Right Ascension fit.
15e_fit_decFLOAT4Y arcsec Mean error on Declination fit.
16ndetINT2 Number of detections.
17flagsVARCHAR(3)* Flags on object.
18b1_magFLOAT4YS mag First blue magnitude.
19b1_calINT2Y Source of photometric calibration.
20b1_surveyINT2Y Survey number.
21b1_fieldINT2Y Field number in survey.
22b1_classINT2Y Star-galaxy separation.
23b1_xiFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in X direction.
24b1_etaFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in Y direction.
25r1_magFLOAT4YS mag First red magnitude.
26r1_calINT2Y Source of photometric calibration.
27r1_surveyINT2Y Survey number.
28r1_fieldINT2Y Field number in survey.
29r1_classINT2Y Star-galaxy separation.
30r1_xiFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in X direction.
31r1_etaFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in Y direction.
32b2_magFLOAT4YS mag Second blue magnitude.
33b2_calINT2Y Source of photometric calibration.
34b2_surveyINT2Y Survey number.
35b2_fieldINT2Y Field number in survey.
36b2_classINT2Y Star-galaxy separation.
37b2_xiFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in X direction.
38b2_etaFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in Y direction.
39r2_magFLOAT4YS mag Second red magnitude.
40r2_calINT2Y Source of photometric calibration.
41r2_surveyINT2Y Survey number.
42r2_fieldINT2Y Field number in survey.
43r2_classINT2Y Star-galaxy separation.
44r2_xiFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in X direction.
45r2_etaFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in Y direction.
46i_magFLOAT4YS mag Infrared (N) magnitude.
47i_calINT2Y Source of photometric calibration.
48i_surveyINT2Y Survey number.
49i_fieldINT2Y Field number in survey.
50i_classINT2Y Star-galaxy separation.
51i_xiFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in X direction.
52i_etaFLOAT4Y arcsec Residual in Y direction.
53cxFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
54cyFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
55czFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).

GSC-2.3.2 CDS Site

Number of rows: 945,592,683.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT8P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2gsc23_idVARCHAR(10)* GSC2 name for HST ops.
3gsc1_idVARCHAR(10)* GSC1 name.
4raFLOAT8 deg RA (J2000).
5decFLOAT8 deg Dec (J2000).
6e_raFLOAT4 arcsec RA error.
7e_decFLOAT4 arcsec Dec error.
8epochFLOAT4 year Epoch of position.
9fpg_magFLOAT4YS mag IIIaF magnitude.
10e_fpg_magFLOAT4Y mag Mag error of fpg_mag.
11code_fpg_magINT2Y Bandpass code.
12jpg_magFLOAT4YS mag IIIaJ magnitude.
13e_jpg_magFLOAT4Y mag Mag error of jpg_mag.
14code_jpg_magINT2Y Bandpass code.
15v_magFLOAT4YS mag 'V' band magnitude.
16e_v_magFLOAT4Y mag Mag error of v_mag.
17code_v_magINT2Y Bandpass code.
18npg_magFLOAT4YS mag IV-N magnitude.
19e_npg_magFLOAT4Y mag Mag error of npg_mag.
20code_npg_magINT2Y Bandpass code.
21u_magFLOAT4YS mag 'U' magnitude.
22e_u_magFLOAT4Y mag Mag error of u_mag.
23code_u_magINT2Y Bandpass code.
24b_magFLOAT4YS mag 'B' magnitude.
25e_b_magFLOAT4Y mag Mag error of b_mag.
26code_b_magINT2Y Bandpass code.
27classINT2 Classification code.
28sz_objFLOAT4Y pixels Object size (semi-major axis).
29ecc_objFLOAT4Y Object eccentricity.
30pa_objFLOAT4Y deg Object Position Angle.
31statusINT4 Object flags.
32m_flagINT2 Flag for known multiple.
33htm6VARCHAR(8)* HTM-6 designation.
34cxFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
35cyFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
36czFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).

UCAC3 Official Site

Number of rows: 100,766,420.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT8P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2ucac3_idVARCHAR(10)* Unique identifier of UCAC3.
3raFLOAT8 deg Right Ascension at epoch J2000.0 (ICRS).
4decFLOAT8 deg Declination at epoch J2000.0 (ICRS).
5e_raINT2 mas s.e. at central epoch in ra (*cos dec).
6e_decINT2 mas s.e. at central epoch in dec.
7ep_raFLOAT4 yr Central epoch for mean ra.
8ep_decFLOAT4 yr Central epoch for mean dec.
9pm_raFLOAT4Y mas/yr Proper motion in ra*cos(dec).
10pm_decFLOAT4Y mas/yr Proper motion in dec.
11e_pm_raFLOAT4Y mas/yr s.e. of pm_ra * cos dec.
12e_pm_decFLOAT4Y mas/yr s.e. of pm_dec.
13fit_magFLOAT4YS mag UCAC fit model magnitude.
14ap_magFLOAT4YS mag UCAC aperture magnitude.
15e_ap_magFLOAT4Y mag UCAC error on magnitude (larger of sc.mod).
16obj_typeINT2 Object type.
17ds_flagINT2 Double star flag.
18n_obsINT2 Total # of CCD images of this star.
19n_uobsINT2 # of CCD images used for this star.
20n_posINT2 Total numb. catalogs (epochs) initial match.
21n_uposINT2 # catalogs (epochs) used for proper motions.
22id_2massINT4Y 2MASS pts_key star identifier.
23j_magFLOAT4YS mag 2MASS J magnitude.
24e_j_magFLOAT4Y mag 2MASS error photom.
25q_j_magFLOAT4Y 2MASS cc_flg*10 + phot.qual.flag.
26h_magFLOAT4YS mag 2MASS H magnitude.
27e_h_magFLOAT4Y mag 2MASS error photom.
28q_h_magFLOAT4Y 2MASS cc_flg*10 + phot.qual.flag.
29k_magFLOAT4YS mag 2MASS K_s magnitude.
30e_k_magFLOAT4Y mag 2MASS error photom.
31q_k_magFLOAT4Y 2MASS cc_flg*10 + phot.qual.flag.
32class_scINT2Y SuperCosmos star/galaxy classif./quality flag.
33b_magFLOAT4YS mag SuperCosmos Bmag.
34q_b_magINT2Y SuperCosmos quality flag Bmag.
35r2_magFLOAT4YS mag SuperCosmos R2mag.
36q_r2_magINT2Y SuperCosmos quality flag R2mag.
37i_magFLOAT4YS mag SuperCosmos Imag.
38q_i_magINT2Y SuperCosmos quality flag Imag.
39cat_flagsVARCHAR(10)* mmf flag for 10 major catalogs matched.
40spm_g_flagINT2 Yale SPM object type (g-flag).
41spm_c_flagINT2 Yale SPM input cat. (c-flag).
42leda_matchINT2 LEDA galaxy match flag.
43x2m_matchINT2 2MASS extend.source flag.
44mpos_numINT4 MPOS star number; identifies HPM stars.
45cxFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
46cyFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
47czFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).

PPMXL Catalog CDS Site

Number of rows: 910,468,710.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT8P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2ppmxl_idINT8 Identifier of PPMXL catalog.
3raFLOAT8 deg Right Ascension J2000.0, epoch 2000.0.
4decFLOAT8 deg Declination J2000.0, epoch 2000.0.
5e_raINT2 mas Mean error in ra*cos(dec) at mean epoch.
6e_decINT2 mas Mean error in dec at mean epoch.
7ep_raFLOAT4 Mean Epoch (ra).
8ep_decFLOAT4 Mean Epoch (dec).
9pm_raFLOAT4 mas/yr Proper Motion in ra*cos(dec).
10pm_decFLOAT4 mas/yr Proper Motion in dec.
11e_pm_raFLOAT4 mas/yr Mean error in pm_ra*cos(dec).
12e_pm_decFLOAT4 mas/yr Mean error in pm_dec.
13j_magFLOAT4YS mag J magnitude from 2MASS.
14e_j_magFLOAT4Y mag J total magnitude uncertainty.
15h_magFLOAT4YS mag H magnitude from 2MASS.
16e_h_magFLOAT4Y mag H total magnitude uncertainty.
17k_magFLOAT4YS mag Ks magnitude from 2MASS.
18e_k_magFLOAT4Y mag Ks total magnitude uncertainty.
19b1_magFLOAT4YS mag B mag from USNO-B, first epoch.
20b2_magFLOAT4YS mag B mag from USNO-B, second epoch.
21r1_magFLOAT4YS mag R mag from USNO-B, first epoch.
22r2_magFLOAT4YS mag R mag from USNO-B, second epoch.
23i_magFLOAT4YS mag I mag from USNO-B.
24usnob1_flagsVARCHAR(5)* Surveys used for USNO-B magnitudes.
25n_uobsINT2 Number of observations used.
26flagsINT2 Flags.
27cxFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
28cyFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
29czFLOAT8 Unit vector for (ra,dec).

Tycho-2 Catalogue ESO Site

Number of rows: 2,539,913.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT4 P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2tycho2_idVARCHAR(12)*U Identifier for Tycho-2 Catalogue.
3p_flagVARCHAR(1)*S Mean position flag.
4ra_mFLOAT8YS deg Mean Right Ascension, ICRS, epoch J2000.
5dec_mFLOAT8YS deg Mean Declination, ICRS, at epoch J2000.
6e_ra_mINT2Y mas s.e. RA*cos(Dec),at mean epoch.
7e_dec_mINT2Y mas s.e. of Dec at mean epoch.
8ep_ra_mFLOAT4Y yr Mean epoch of RA.
9ep_dec_mFLOAT4Y yr Mean epoch of Dec.
10pm_raFLOAT4Y mas/yr Proper motion in RA*cos(Dec).
11pm_decFLOAT4Y mas/yr Proper motion in Dec.
12e_pm_raFLOAT4Y mas/yr s.e. of proper motion in RA*cos(Dec).
13e_pm_decFLOAT4Y mas/yr s.e. of proper motion in Dec.
14n_uposINT2Y Number of positions used.
15q_ra_mFLOAT4Y Goodness of fit for ra_m.
16q_dec_mFLOAT4Y Goodness of fit for dec_m.
17q_pm_raFLOAT4Y Goodness of fit for pm_ra.
18q_pm_decFLOAT4Y Goodness of fit for pm_dec.
19bt_magFLOAT4YS mag Tycho-2 BT magnitude.
20e_bt_magFLOAT4Y mag s.e. of BT.
21vt_magFLOAT4YS mag Tycho-2 VT magnitude.
22e_vt_magFLOAT4Y s.e. of VT.
23proxINT2 Proximity indicator.
24tycho1_flagVARCHAR(1)* Tycho-1 star.
25hip_idINT4Y Hipparcos number.
26ccdm_hipVARCHAR(13)Y CCDM component identifier for HIP stars.
27raFLOAT8S deg Observed Tycho-2 Right Ascension, ICRS.
28decFLOAT8S deg Observed Tycho-2 Declination, ICRS.
29e_raFLOAT4 mas s.e. RA*cos(Dec), of observed Tycho-2 RA.
30e_decFLOAT4 mas s.e. of observed Tycho-2 Dec.
31ep_raFLOAT4 yr Epoch of ra.
32ep_decFLOAT4 yr Epoch of dec.
33t_flagVARCHAR(1)*S Type of Tycho-2 solution.
34corrFLOAT4 Correlation (ra,dec).
35cx_mFLOAT8YC1 Unit vector for (ra_m,dec_m).
36cy_mFLOAT8YC1 Unit vector for (ra_m,dec_m).
37cz_mFLOAT8YC1 Unit vector for (ra_m,dec_m).
38cxFLOAT8C2 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
39cyFLOAT8C2 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
40czFLOAT8C2 Unit vector for (ra,dec).

AKARI IRC PSC v1 Official Site

Number of rows: 870,973.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT4 P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2objNameVARCHAR(14)* U Source name from its J2000 coordinates, following the IAU Recommendations for Nomenclature (2006). The format is HHMMSSS+/-DDMMSS, e.g., 0123456+765432 for a source at (01h23m45.6s, +76d54m32s). The source must be referred to in the literatures by its full name: AKARI-IRC-V1 J0123456+765432, where V1 refers to the version code.
3raFLOAT8 S deg J2000 Right Ascension of the source position.
4decFLOAT8 S deg J2000 Declination of the source position.
5posErrMjFLOAT4 arcsec One-sigma error of the source position expressed by an ellipse with Major and Minor axes [arcsec], and Position Angle [deg; East from North]. If only two events are available, posErrMj is calculated from the distance of the two events and PosErrMi is set to the same as PosErrMj.
6posErrMiFLOAT4 arcsec See description of posErrMj.
7posErrPAFLOAT4 deg See description of posErrMj.
8flux_09FLOAT4Y S Jy Flux density of the source in S9W in Jansky.
9flux_18FLOAT4Y S Jy Flux density of the source in L18W in Jansky.
10fErr_09FLOAT4Y Jy Flux error in S9W.
11fErr_18FLOAT4Y Jy Flux error in L18W.
12fQual_09INT2 S Flux density quality flag for S9W. 3 when flux is valid and 0 when flux is not available.
13fQual_18INT2 S Flux density quality flag for L18W. 3 when flux is valid and 0 when flux is not available.
14flags_09INT2Y Bit flags of data quality for S9W:
1(LSB): not month confirmed:
This means that the period between the first detection and the last detection is shorter than a month.
2: saturated (not used in this version)
4: use SAA (not used in this version)
8(MSB): use edge events:
If the number of events is too small, we use the event data near the edge of the image strip. In this case, this flag warn you of underestimation of the flux.
15flags_18INT2Y Bit flags of data quality for L18W.
The value definition is the same as that of flags_09.
16nScanC_09INT2 Number of scans on which the source is detected. Normally, nScanC is less or equal to nScanP. In some exceptional case, resultant position of the source drops out from the image stripe boundary and nScanC is larger than nScanP.
17nScanC_18INT2 Number of scans on which the source is detected.
The value definition is the same as that of nScanC_09.
18nScanP_09INT2 The number of times the source position has been scanned during the survey.
19nScanP_18INT2 The number of times the source position has been scanned during the survey.
20mConf_09INT2Y 1 is month confirmed and 0 is not. Inverted value of LSB of flags_09
21mConf_18INT2Y 1 is month confirmed and 0 is not. Inverted value of LSB of flags_18
22nDens_09INT2Y The number of sources in 45 arcsec radius.
23nDens_18INT2Y The number of sources in 45 arcsec radius.
24extended_09INT2Y The flag indicates that the source is possibly more extended than the point spread function. This is "TRUE" when meanAB > 15.6 [arcsec].
25extended_18INT2Y The flag indicates that the source is possibly more extended than the point spread function. This is "TRUE" when meanAB > 15.6 [arcsec].
26meanAB_09FLOAT4Y The average of radius along major and minor axes of images, i.e. (< a > + < b >)/2 where < a > and < b > are the mean semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths of images estimated by SExtractor.
27meanAB_18FLOAT4Y The average of radius along major and minor axes of images, i.e. (< a > + < b >)/2 where < a > and < b > are the mean semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths of images estimated by SExtractor.
28nDataPosINT2 Number of events used to calculate the mean coordinates. If the source has more than two available S9W events, the position is estimated from S9W events only, else the position is estimated from L18W events,
i.e. nDataPos = nScanC09 for nScanC09 ≥ 2
nDataPos = nScanC18 for nScanC09 < 2
29nData_09INT2 Number of events that contribute to the flux measurements in the two bands. Normally, events near the edge of the image strip are excluded from the measurements. Note that if only 0 or 1 event are available, the flux is computed also from edge events.
30nData_18INT2 Number of events that contribute to the flux measurements in the two bands.
The value definition is the same as that of nData_09.
31cxFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec)
32cyFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec)
33czFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec)

AKARI FIS BSC v1 Official Site

Number of rows: 427,071.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT4 P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2objNameVARCHAR(14)* U Source identifier from its J2000 coordinates, following the IAU Recommendations for Nomenclature (2006). The format is HHMMSSS+/-DDMMSS, e.g., 0123456+765432 for a source at (01h23m45.6s, +76d54m32s). The source must be referred to in the literatures by its full name; AKARI-FIS-V1 J0123456+765432.
3raFLOAT8 S deg J2000 Right Ascension of the source position.
4decFLOAT8 S deg J2000 Declination of the source position.
5posErrMjFLOAT4 arcsec One-sigma error of the source position expressed by an ellipse with Major and Minor axes in arcsec, and Position Angle in degees measured from North to East. In the currently version we give the same value (6.0 arcsec) for all the sources both in the major and minor axis (thus polar-angle is 0.0) based on the statistical analysis in Section 5.5 of the Release Note .
6posErrMiFLOAT4 arcsec See description of posErrMj.
7posErrPAFLOAT4 deg See description of posErrMj.
8flux_65FLOAT4Y S Jy Flux density of the source in the four FIS bands in Jansky. In the catalogue the four FIS bands are indicated by their central wavelength as 65, 90, 140 and 160.
Values are given even for the unconfirmed sources as much as possible, though such the data are not guaranteed. If it is not possible to measure the source flux, `NULL' is set.
9flux_90FLOAT4Y S Jy See description of flux_65.
10flux_140FLOAT4Y S Jy See description of flux_65.
11flux_160FLOAT4Y S Jy See description of flux_65.
12fErr_65FLOAT4Y Jy Flux uncertainty of the source flux in Jansky. It is evaluated as the standard deviation of the fluxes measured on the individual scans divided by the root square of the number of measurements (presented in nScanC_65). The error thus only includes relative uncertainty at the measurements. Details of the flux uncertainty are discussed in Section 5.3 of the Release Note .
When it is not possible to calculate the standard deviation, `NULL' is set to this column.
13fErr_90FLOAT4Y Jy Flux uncertainty of the source flux in Jansky.
The value definition is the same as that of fErr_65.
14fErr_140FLOAT4Y Jy Flux uncertainty of the source flux in Jansky.
The value definition is the same as that of fErr_65.
15fErr_160FLOAT4Y Jy Flux uncertainty of the source flux in Jansky.
The value definition is the same as that of fErr_65.
16fQual_65INT2 S Four level flux quality indicator:
3:  High quality (the source is confirmed and flux is reliable)
2:  The source is confirmed but flux is not reliable (see flags_65)
1:  The source is not confirmed
0:  Not observed (no scan data available)
17fQual_90INT2 S Four level flux quality indicator.
The value definition is the same as that of fQual_65.
18fQual_140INT2 S Four level flux quality indicator.
The value definition is the same as that of fQual_65.
19fQual_160INT2 S Four level flux quality indicator.
The value definition is the same as that of fQual_65.
20flags_65INT2Y A 16-bit flag per band indicating various data condition. In version 1 catalogue three bits are used. The first bit (bit0) is used to indicate the CDS sampling mode. The second bit (bit1) warns the flux of the band is less than a half of the detection limit, and is not reliable. The fourth bit (bit3) tells that the source is possibly false detection due to `side-lobe' effects (see, Section 7.7 of the Release Note). The third bit (bit2) was previously indicated an anomaly which does not exist in the current version, and thus is kept unused. Sources with bit1 or bit3 = 1 have fQual_65 = 2 or less. Other bits are reserved for the future implementation.
                                   USB ------------- bit ----- LSB
                                       ... 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
                                   decimal |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
   reserved ------------------------- 128 -+  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
   reserved -------------------------- 64 ----+  |  |  |  |  |  |
   reserved -------------------------- 32 -------+  |  |  |  |  |
   reserved -------------------------- 16 ----------+  |  |  |  |
   1: possibly `side-lobe' detection--- 8 -------------+  |  |  |
   not used --------------------------- 4 ----------------+  |  |
   1: Flux too low--------------------- 2 -------------------+  |
   0: Normal mode, 1: CDS mode -------- 1 ----------------------+
`NULL' is set in case of no measurement (fQual_65 = 0).
21flags_90INT2Y A 16-bit flag per band indicating various data condition.
The value definition is the same as that of flags_65.
22flags_140INT2Y A 16-bit flag per band indicating various data condition.
The value definition is the same as that of flags_65.
23flags_160INT2Y A 16-bit flag per band indicating various data condition.
The value definition is the same as that of flags_65.
24nScanC_65INT2 Number of scans on which the source is properly detected with logEvidence larger than the threshold.
25nScanC_90INT2 Number of scans on which the source is properly detected with logEvidence larger than the threshold.
26nScanC_140INT2 Number of scans on which the source is properly detected with logEvidence larger than the threshold.
27nScanC_160INT2 Number of scans on which the source is properly detected with logEvidence larger than the threshold.
28nScanP_65INT2 Total number of scans that passed on the source (that possibly observed the source)
29nScanP_90INT2 Total number of scans that passed on the source (that possibly observed the source)
30nScanP_140INT2 Total number of scans that passed on the source (that possibly observed the source)
31nScanP_160INT2 Total number of scans that passed on the source (that possibly observed the source)
32mConf_65INT2Y The month confirmation flags are prepared per band. The value is 1 when the source is observed in the scans separated more than one months (usually an object is visible at every 6 months). This information is independent to hours confirmation and can be 1 even if the source is not confirmed (fQual_65 = 1). Because of the visibility constraint of the AKARI Survey, some sky regions were observed by scans only within a month.
This flag is `NULL' for fQual_65 = 0 sources.
33mConf_90INT2Y The month confirmation flags are prepared per band.
The value definition is the same as that of mConf_65.
34mConf_140INT2Y The month confirmation flags are prepared per band.
The value definition is the same as that of mConf_65.
35mConf_160INT2Y The month confirmation flags are prepared per band.
The value definition is the same as that of mConf_65.
36nDensINT2 Number of sources in the catalogue within the distance of 5 arcmin from the source. This value is intended to be an indicator of crowdedness of the sky region. Since the source extraction program is tuned so that a unique source is found within 48 arcsec radius, the 5 arcmin radius corresponds to approximately 40 beams.
37cxFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec)
38cyFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec)
39czFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec)


Number of rows: 245,889.

#nametypenullindex unitdescription
1objidINT4 P Primary key (unique identifier) for the 2MASS Kit database. Do not refer this ID in your literatures.
2pscnameVARCHAR(11) U IRAS source name.
3raFLOAT8 S deg RA equinox J2000.0, epoch B1983.5.
4decFLOAT8 S deg Dec equinox J2000.0, epoch B1983.5.
5semimajorINT2 arcsec 95% confidence error ellipse semimajor axis.
6semiminorINT2 arcsec 95% confidence error ellipse semiminor axis.
7posangINT2 deg Uncertainty ellipse position angle.
8nhconINT2 Number of times observed.
9fnu_12FLOAT8 S Jy Average non-color corrected flux density, 12um.
10fnu_25FLOAT8 S Jy Average non-color corrected flux density, 25um.
11fnu_60FLOAT8 S Jy Average non-color corrected flux density, 60um.
12fnu_100FLOAT8 S Jy Average non-color corrected flux density, 100u.
13fqual_12INT2 S Flux density quality, 12um.
14fqual_25INT2 S Flux density quality, 25um.
15fqual_60INT2 S Flux density quality, 60um.
16fqual_100INT2 S Flux density quality, 100um.
17nlrsINT2 Number of significant LRS spectra.
18lrscharVARCHAR(2)*Y Characterization of averaged LRS spectrum.
19relunc_12INT2 Percent relative flux den. uncertainty, 12um.
20relunc_25INT2 Percent relative flux den. uncertainty, 25um.
21relunc_60INT2 Percent relative flux den. uncertainty, 60um.
22relunc_100INT2 Percent relative flux den. uncertainty, 100um.
23tsnr_12INT4 10x minimum signal-to-noise ratio, 12um.
24tsnr_25INT4 10x minimum signal-to-noise ratio, 25um.
25tsnr_60INT4 10x minimum signal-to-noise ratio, 60um.
26tsnr_100INT4 10x minimum signal-to-noise ratio, 100um.
27cc_12VARCHAR(2)Y Point source correlation coefficient, 12um.
28cc_25VARCHAR(2)Y Point source correlation coefficient, 25um.
29cc_60VARCHAR(2)Y Point source correlation coefficient, 60um.
30cc_100VARCHAR(2)Y Point source correlation coefficient, 100um.
31varINT2Y Percent likelihood of variability.
32discVARCHAR(1)* Discrepant fluxes flag, 1 per band, hex encode.
33confuseVARCHAR(1)* Confusion flags, 1 per band, hex encoded.
34pnearhINT2 Number of nearby hours-confirmed point sources.
35pnearwINT2 Number of nearby weeks-confirmed point sources.
36ses1_12INT2 Nearby seconds-confirmed small ext. src., 12um.
37ses1_25INT2 Nearby seconds-confirmed small ext. src., 25um.
38ses1_60INT2 Nearby seconds-confirmed small ext. src., 60um.
39ses1_100INT2 Nearby seconds-confirmed small ext. src., 100u.
40ses2_12INT2 Nearby weeks-confirmed small ext. src., 12um.
41ses2_25INT2 Nearby weeks-confirmed small ext. src., 25um.
42ses2_60INT2 Nearby weeks-confirmed small ext. src., 60um.
43ses2_100INT2 Nearby weeks-confirmed small ext. src., 100um.
44hsdflagVARCHAR(1)* High source density bin flag, hex encoded.
45cirr1INT2 Number of nearby 100 micron only WSDB sources.
46cirr2INT2 100 micron sky brightness ratio to flux den.
47cirr3INT2 MJy/sr Total 100 micron sky surface brightness.
48nidINT2 Number of positional associations.
49idtypeINT2 Type of object.
50mhconINT2Y Possible number of HCONs.
51fcor_12INT2Y Flux correction factor applied (times 1000).
52fcor_25INT2Y Flux correction factor applied (times 1000).
53fcor_60INT2Y Flux correction factor applied (times 1000).
54fcor_100INT2Y Flux correction factor applied (times 1000).
55rat_12_25FLOAT8Y fnu_12 / fnu_25.
56err_12_25FLOAT8Y % uncertainty in rat_12_25, -1=upperlim, -2=lowerlim.
57rat_25_60FLOAT8Y fnu_25 / fnu_60.
58err_25_60FLOAT8Y % uncertainty in rat_25_60, -1=upperlim, -2=lowerlim.
59rat_60_100FLOAT8Y fnu_60 / fnu_100.
60err_60_100FLOAT8Y % uncertainty in rat_60_100, -1=upperlim, -2=lowerlim.
61cxFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
62cyFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec).
63czFLOAT8 C1 Unit vector for (ra,dec).