AKARI related publications in 2014
- Title: Astrophysics of Dusty Stellar Winds from AGB Stars
Authors: Suh, Kyung-Won
Reference: Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 219-233 (2014).
- Title: The Joint IRAS PSC/FSC catalogue as a tool for efficient studies for extragalactic IR sources
Authors: Mickaelian, A. M.; Abrahamyan, H. V.; Harutyunyan, G. S.
Reference: Instability and Evolution of Stars, Proceedings of the Byurakan-Abastumani Colloquium dedicated to Ludwik Mirzoyan's 90th anniversary, held on 26-28 August 2013 in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia. Eds.: Harutyunian, H. A.; Nikoghosyan, E. H.; Melikian, N. D., Yerevan, "Gitutyun" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA), p. 109-115 (2014).
- Title: Cosmology with the SPHEREX All-Sky Spectral Survey
Authors: Dore, Olivier; Bock, Jamie; Ashby, Matthew; Capak, Peter; Cooray, Asantha; de Putter, Roland; Eifler, Tim; Flagey, Nicolas; Gong, Yan; Habib, Salman; Heitmann, Katrin; Hirata, Chris; Jeong, Woong-Seob; Katti, Raj; Korngut, Phil; Krause, Elisabeth; Lee, Dae-Hee; Masters, Daniel; Mauskopf, Phil; Melnick, Gary; Mennesson, Bertrand; Nguyen, Hien; Oberg, Karin; Pullen, Anthony; Raccanelli, Alvise; Smith, Roger; Song, Yong-Seon; Tolls, Volker; Unwin, Steve; Venumadhav, Tejaswi; Viero, Marco; Werner, Mike; Zemcov, Mike
Reference: eprint arXiv:1412.4872
- Title: The Milky Way as a Star Formation Engine
Authors: Molinari, S.; Bally, J.; Glover, S.; Moore, T.; Noreiga-Crespo, A.; Plume, R.; Testi, L.; Vazquez-Semadeni, E.; Zavagno, A.; Bernard, J.-P.; Martin, P.
Reference: Protostars and Planets VI, Henrik Beuther, Ralf S. Klessen, Cornelis P. Dullemond, and Thomas Henning (eds.), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 914 pp., p.125-148 (2014).
- Title: AKARI infrared camera observations of the 3.3 μm PAH feature in Swift/BAT AGNs
Authors: Castro, Angel; Miyaji, Takamitsu; Shirahata, Mai; Ichikawa, Kohei; Oyabu, Shinki; Clark, David M.; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Nakagawa, Takao; Ueda, Yoshihiro
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 6, id.11020 pp. (2014).
- Title: VLBI observations of H2O maser annual parallax and proper motion in IRAS 20143+3634: Reflection on the Galactic constants
Authors: Burns, Ross A.; Yamaguchi, Yoshiyuki; Handa, Toshihiro; Omodaka, Toshihiro; Nagayama, Takumi; Nakagawa, Akiharu; Hayashi, Masahiko; Kamezaki, Tatsuya; Chibueze, James O.; Shizugami, Makoto; Nakano, Makoto
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 6, id.10210 pp. (2014).
- Title: Constraining the Exozodiacal Luminosity Function of Main-sequence Stars: Complete Results from the Keck Nuller Mid-infrared Surveys
Authors: Mennesson, B.; Millan-Gabet, R.; Serabyn, E.; Colavita, M. M.; Absil, O.; Bryden, G.; Wyatt, M.; Danchi, W.; Defrere, D.; Dore, O.; Hinz, P.; Kuchner, M.; Ragland, S.; Scott, N.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Traub, W.; Woillez, J.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 797, Issue 2, article id. 119, 28 pp. (2014).
- Title: Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies in the AKARI All-sky Survey
Authors: Kilerci Eser, E.; Goto, T.; Doi, Y.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 797, Issue 1, article id. 54, 30 pp. (2014).
- Title: Trigonometric Distance and Proper Motion of Iras 20056+3350: A Massive Star-forming Region on the solar Circle
Authors: Burns, Ross A.; Nagayama, Takumi; Handa, Toshihiro; Omodaka, Toshihiro; Nakagawa, Akiharu; Nakanishi, Hiroyuki; Hayashi, Masahiko; Shizugami, Makoto
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 797, Issue 1, article id. 39, 9 pp. (2014).
- Title: Magnitude-range brightness variations of overactive K giants
Authors: Olah, K.; Moor, A.; Kovári, Zs.; Granzer, T.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Kriskovics, L.; Vida, K.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 572, id.A94, 13 pp. (2014).
- Title: Hidden starbursts and active galactic nuclei at 0 < z < 4 from the Herschel-VVDS-CFHTLS-D1 field: Inferences on coevolution and feedback
Authors: Lemaux, B. C.; Le Floc'h, E.; Le Fevre, O.; Ilbert, O.; Tresse, L.; Lubin, L. M.; Zamorani, G.; Gal, R. R.; Ciliegi, P.; Cassata, P.; Kocevski, D. D.; McGrath, E. J.; Bardelli, S.; Zucca, E.; Squires, G. K.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 572, id.A90, 39 pp. (2014).
- Title: (in Japanese) 天文観測的手法における小惑星4ベスタの研究
Reference: Planetary People 23(4), pp.361-370, 2014-4-361 (2014).
- Title: On the origin of near-infrared extragalactic background light anisotropy
Authors: Zemcov, Michael; Smidt, Joseph; Arai, Toshiaki; Bock, James; Cooray, Asantha; Gong, Yan; Kim, Min Gyu; Korngut, Phillip; Lam, Anson; Lee, Dae Hee; Matsumoto, Toshio; Matsuura, Shuji; Nam, Uk Won; Roudier, Gael; Tsumura, Kohji; Wada, Takehiko
Reference: Science, Volume 346, Issue 6210, pp. 732-735 (2014).
- Title: Atmospheres of brown dwarfs
Authors: Helling, Christiane; Casewell, Sarah
Reference: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, Volume 22, article id.80, 45 pp. (2014).
- Title: Do two-temperature debris discs have multiple belts?
Authors: Kennedy, G. M.; Wyatt, M. C.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 4, p.3164-3182 (2014).
- Title: The debris disc of solar analogue τ Ceti: Herschel observations and dynamical simulations of the proposed multiplanet system
Authors: Lawler, S. M.; Di Francesco, J.; Kennedy, G. M.; Sibthorpe, B.; Booth, M.; Vandenbussche, B.; Matthews, B. C.; Holland, W. S.; Greaves, J.; Wilner, D. J.; Tuomi, M.; Blommaert, J. A. D. L.; de Vries, B. L.; Dominik, C.; Fridlund, M.; Gear, W.; Heras, A. M.; Ivison, R.; Olofsson, G.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 3, p.2665-2675 (2014).
- Title: Deep Thermal Infrared Imaging of HR 8799 bcde: New Atmospheric Constraints and Limits on a Fifth Planet
Authors: Currie, Thayne; Burrows, Adam; Girard, Julien H.; Cloutier, Ryan; Fukagawa, Misato; Sorahana, Satoko; Kuchner, Marc; Kenyon, Scott J.; Madhusudhan, Nikku; Itoh, Yoichi; Jayawardhana, Ray; Matsumura, Soko; Pyo, Tae-Soo
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 795, Issue 2, article id. 133, 15 pp. (2014).
- Title: New Candidate Eruptive Young Stars in Lynds 1340
Authors: Kun, M.; Apai, D.; O'Linger-Luscusk, J.; Moór, A.; Stecklum, B.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Wolf-Chase, G.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 795, Issue 2, article id. L26, 6 pp. (2014).
- Title: The UV window on counter rotating ETGs: insight from SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementation
Authors: Bettoni, D.; Mazzei, P.; Rampazzo, R.; Marino, A.; Galletta, G.; Buson, L. M.
Reference: Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 354, Issue 1, pp.83-88 (2014).
- Title: High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis Star V532 Ophiuchi at Maximum Light
Authors: Kameswara Rao, N.; Lambert, David L.; Woolf, Vincent M.; Hema, B. P.
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 126, issue 943, pp.813-820 (2014).
- Title: The evolution of and starburst-agn connection in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies and their link to globular cluster formation
Authors: Fiorenza, Stephanie Lynn
Reference: ProQuest Dissertations And Theses; Thesis (Ph.D.)--City University of New York, 2014.; Publication Number: AAT 3623697; ISBN: 9781303962714; Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 75-09(E), Section: B.; 286 p. (2014).
- Title: The 2-24 mum source counts from the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole survey
Authors: Murata, K.; Pearson, C. P.; Goto, T.; Kim, S. J.; Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 3, p.2346-2354 (2014).
- Title: A Comprehensive Photometric Investigation of 185 Eunike
Authors: Pilcher, Frederick; Behrend, Raoul; Bernasconi, Laurent; Franco, Lorenzo; Hills, Kevin; Martin, Axel; Ruthroff, John C.
Reference: The Minor Planet Bulletin (ISSN 1052-8091). Bulletin of the Minor Planets Section of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 244-250 (2014)
- Title: Quasi-terminator orbits near primitive bodies
Authors: Broschart, Stephen B.; Lantoine, Gregory; Grebow, Daniel J.
Reference: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 120, Issue 2, pp.195-215 (2014).
- Title: Cosmic Dust VI
Authors: Kimura, Hiroshi; Kolokolova, Ludmilla; Li, Aigen; Inoue, Akio K.; Jager, Cornelia
Reference: Planetary and Space Science, Volume 100, p. 1-5. (2014).
- Title: Interpreting the extended emission around three nearby debris disc host stars
Authors: Marshall, J. P.; Kirchschlager, F.; Ertel, S.; Augereau, J.-C.; Kennedy, G. M.; Booth, M.; Wolf, S.; Montesinos, B.; Eiroa, C.; Matthews, B.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A114, 13 pp. (2014).
- Title: A WISE view of novae - I. The data
Authors: Evans, A.; Gehrz, R. D.; Woodward, C. E.; Helton, L. A.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 2, p.1683-1697 (2014).
- Title: The opposition effect of the asteroid 4 Vesta
Authors: Hasegawa, Sunao; Miyasaka, Seidai; Tokimasa, Noritaka; Sogame, Akito; Ibrahimov, Mansur A.; Yoshida, Fumi; Ozaki, Shinobu; Abe, Masanao; Ishiguro, Masateru; Kuroda, Daisuke
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 5, id.8918 pp. (2014).
- Title: GW Orionis: Inner disk readjustments in a triple system
Authors: Fang, M.; Sicilia-Aguilar, A.; Roccatagliata, V.; Fedele, D.; Henning, Th.; Eiroa, C.; Müller, A.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A118, 22 pp. (2014).
- Title: Frequency dependence of the evolution of the radio emission of the supernova remnant Cas A
Authors: Vinyaikin, E. N.
Reference: Astronomy Reports, Volume 58, Issue 9, pp.626-639 (2014).
- Title: Spectroscopic analysis of four post-AGB candidates
Authors: Molina, R. E.; Giridhar, S.; Pereira, C. B.; Arellano Ferro, A.; Muneer, S.
Reference: Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica Vol. 50, pp. 293-306 (2014)
- Title: Investigation of star formation toward the Sharpless 155 H II region
Authors: Huang, Ya-Fang; Li, Jin-Zeng; Rector, Travis A.; Fan, Zhou
Reference: Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 14, Issue 10, article id. 1269-1278 (2014).
- Title: J- and H-band Imaging of AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Survey Field
Authors: Jeon, Yiseul; Im, Myungshin; Kang, Eugene; Lee, Hyung Mok; Matsuhara, Hideo
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 214, Issue 2, article id. 20, 15 pp. (2014).
- Title: A Highly Consistent Framework for the Evolution of the Star-Forming "Main Sequence" from z ∼ 0-6
Authors: Speagle, J. S.; Steinhardt, C. L.; Capak, P. L.; Silverman, J. D.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 214, Issue 2, article id. 15, 52 pp. (2014).
- Title: AKARI IRC 2.5-5 μm Spectroscopy of Infrared Galaxies over a Wide Luminosity Range
Authors: Ichikawa, Kohei; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakagawa, Takao; Shirahata, Mai; Kaneda, Hidehiro; Oyabu, Shinki
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 2, article id. 139, 12 pp. (2014).
- Title: Maser and Infrared Studies of Oxygen-rich Late/Post-asymptotic Giant Branch Stars and Water Fountains: Development of a New Identification Method
Authors: Yung, Bosco H. K.; Nakashima, Jun-ichi; Henkel, Christian
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 794, Issue 1, article id. 81, 20 pp. (2014).
- Title: Mid- and far-infrared variability of PV Cep
Authors: Lorenzetti, D.; Antoniucci, S.; Giannini, T.; Li Causi, G.; Di Paola, A.; Arkharov, A. A.; Larionov, V. M.
Reference: Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 353, Issue 2, pp.567-573 (2014).
- Title: Radio emission from dusty galaxies observed by AKARI
Authors: Pepiak, A.; Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Solarz, A.; Jurusik, W.
Reference: Planetary and Space Science, Volume 100, p. 12-18. (2014).
- Title: AKARI observations of interstellar dust grains in our Galaxy and nearby galaxies
Authors: Kaneda, H.; Ishihara, D.; Kobata, K.; Kondo, T.; Oyabu, S.; Yamada, R.; Yamagishi, M.; Onaka, T.; Suzuki, T.
Reference: Planetary and Space Science, Volume 100, p. 6-11. (2014).
- Title: The hunt for red active galactic nuclei: a new infrared diagnostic
Authors: Fadda, Dario; Rodighiero, Giulia
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 444, Issue 1, p.L95-L99 (2014).
- Title: The first source counts at 18 mum from the AKARI NEP Survey
Authors: Pearson, Chris P.; Serjeant, S.; Oyabu, S.; Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.; Goto, T.; Takagi, T.; Lee, H. M.; Im, M.; Ohyama, Y.; Kim, S. J.; Murata, K.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 1, p.846-859 (2014).
- Title: Binary pulsars studies with multiwavelength sky surveys - I. Companion star identification
Authors: Mignani, R. P.; Corongiu, A.; Pallanca, C.; Oates, S. R.; Yershov, V. N.; Breeveld, A. A.; Page, M. J.; Ferraro, F. R.; Possenti, A.; Jackson, A. C.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 443, Issue 3, p.2223-2241 (2014).
- Title: Erratum: "Observational Studies on the Near-infrared Unidentified Emission Bands in Galactic H II Regions" (2014, ApJ, 784, 53)
Authors: Mori, Tamami I.; Onaka, Takashi; Sakon, Itsuki; Ishihara, Daisuke; Shimonishi, Takashi; Ohsawa, Ryou; Bell, Aaron C.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 792, Issue 1, article id. 80, 2 pp. (2014).
- Title: Dust composition and mass-loss return from the luminous blue variable R71 in the LMC
Authors: Guha Niyogi, S.; Min, M.; Meixner, M.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; Seale, J.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 569, id.A80, 8 pp. (2014).
- Title: V838 Monocerotis: the central star and its environment a decade after outburst
Authors: Chesneau, O.; Millour, F.; De Marco, O.; Bright, S. N.; Spang, A.; Banerjee, D. P. K.; Ashok, N. M.; Kaminski, T.; Wisniewski, J. P.; Meilland, A.; Lagadec, E.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 569, id.L3, 5 pp. (2014).
- Title: Cold Molecular Gas in Merger Remnants. I. Formation of Molecular Gas Disks
Authors: Ueda, Junko; Iono, Daisuke; Yun, Min S.; Crocker, Alison F.; Narayanan, Desika; Komugi, Shinya; Espada, Daniel; Hatsukade, Bunyo; Kaneko, Hiroyuki; Matsuda, Yuichi; Tamura, Yoichi; Wilner, David J.; Kawabe, Ryohei; Pan, Hsi-An
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 214, Issue 1, article id. 1, 29 pp. (2014).
- Title: AKARI Observations of Brown Dwarfs. IV. Effect of Elemental Abundances on Near-infrared Spectra between 1.0 and 5.0 mum
Authors: Sorahana, S.; Yamamura, I.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 793, Issue 1, article id. 47, 18 pp. (2014).
- Title: A Data-driven Approach for Retrieving Temperatures and Abundances in Brown Dwarf Atmospheres
Authors: Line, Michael R.; Fortney, Jonathan J.; Marley, Mark S.; Sorahana, Satoko
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 793, Issue 1, article id. 33, 11 pp. (2014).
- Title: Regularity Underlying Complexity: A Redshift-independent Description of the Continuous Variation of Galaxy-scale Molecular Gas Properties in the Mass-star Formation Rate Plane
Authors: Sargent, M. T.; Daddi, E.; Béthermin, M.; Aussel, H.; Magdis, G.; Hwang, H. S.; Juneau, S.; Elbaz, D.; da Cunha, E.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 793, Issue 1, article id. 19, 34 pp. (2014).
- Title: Disk Radii and Grain Sizes in Herschel-resolved Debris Disks
Authors: Pawellek, Nicole; Krivov, Alexander V.; Marshall, Jonathan P.; Montesinos, Benjamin; Ábrahám, Péter; Moór, Attila; Bryden, Geoffrey; Eiroa, Carlos
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 792, Issue 1, article id. 65, 19 pp. (2014).
- Title: A CO Survey in Planet-forming Disks: Characterizing the Gas Content in the Epoch of Planet Formation
Authors: Hales, A. S.; De Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Montesinos, B.; Casassus, S.; Dent, W. F. R.; Dougados, C.; Eiroa, C.; Hughes, A. M.; Garay, G.; Mardones, D.; Ménard, F.; Palau, Aina; Pérez, S.; Phillips, N.; Torrelles, J. M.; Wilner, D.
Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 148, Issue 3, article id. 47, 21 pp. (2014).
- Title: A New Catalog of Silicate Carbon Stars
Authors: Kwon, Young-Joo; Suh, Kyung-Won
Reference: Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 123-135 (2014).
- Title: C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) at IR Wavelengths and the Variability of CO Abundances among Oort Cloud Comets
Authors: Paganini, L.; Mumma, M. J.; Villanueva, G. L.; Keane, J. V.; Blake, G. A.; Bonev, B. P.; DiSanti, M. A.; Gibb, E. L.; Meech, K. J.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 791, Issue 2, article id. 122, 8 pp. (2014).
- Title: Magnetic field dispersion in the neighbourhood of Bok Globules
Authors: Rodrigues, C. V.; Magalhães, V. de S.; Vilas-Boas, J. W.; Racca, G.; Pereyra, A.
Reference: Magnetic Fields throughout Stellar Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 302, pp. 21-24 (2014).
- Title: Far-Infrared Surveys of Galaxy Evolution
Authors: Lutz, Dieter
Reference: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 52, p.373-414 (2014).
- Title: An interferometric study of the post-AGB binary 89 Herculis. II. Radiative transfer models of the circumbinary disk
Authors: Hillen, M.; Menu, J.; Van Winckel, H.; Min, M.; Gielen, C.; Wevers, T.; Mulders, G. D.; Regibo, S.; Verhoelst, T.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 568, id.A12, 15 pp. (2014).
- Title: Dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshift
Authors: Casey, Caitlin M.; Narayanan, Desika; Cooray, Asantha
Reference: Physics Reports, Volume 541, Issue 2, p. 45-161. (2014).
- Title: The meaning of WISE colours - I. The Galaxy and its satellites
Authors: Nikutta, Robert; Hunt-Walker, Nicholas; Nenkova, Maia; Ivezic, Zeljko; Elitzur, Moshe
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 442, Issue 4, p.3361-3379 (2014)
- Title: A Search for Mass Loss from Metal-Poor Field Red Giants using Data from the WISE and AKARI Satellites
Authors: Smith, Graeme H.; Bashay, Edward A.
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 126, issue 941, pp.605-615 (2014).
- Title: Chandra Observation of the AKARI NEP Deep Field
Authors: Miyaji, Takamitsu; Krumpe, M.; Brunner, H.; Brunner
Reference: Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 304, pp. 244-244 (2014).
- Title: A 2.5-5 mum spectroscopic study of hard X-ray selected AGNs with AKARI
Authors: Castro, A.; Miyaji, T.; Shirahata, M.; Oyabu, S.; Clark, D.; Ichikawa, K.; Imanishi, M.; Nakagawa, T.; Ueda, Y.
Reference: Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 304, pp. 66-67 (2014).
- Title: Grain Physics and Infrared Dust Emission in Active Galactic Nucleus Environments
Authors: Hensley, Brandon S.; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Ciotti, Luca
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 789, Issue 1, article id. 78, 17 pp. (2014).
- Title: The Disk around the Brown Dwarf KPNO Tau 3
Authors: Broekhoven-Fiene, Hannah; Matthews, Brenda; Duchêne, Gaspard; Di Francesco, James; Scholz, Aleks; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Jayawardhana, Ray
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 789, Issue 2, article id. 155, 6 pp. (2014).
- Title: Physical Properties of Asteroids in Comet-like Orbits in Infrared Asteroid Survey Catalogs
Authors: Kim, Yoonyoung; Ishiguro, Masateru; Usui, Fumihiko
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 789, Issue 2, article id. 151, 9 pp. (2014).
- Title: Searching for visual companions of close Cepheids. VLT/NACO lucky imaging of Y Oph, FF Aql, X Sgr, W Sgr, and eta Aql
Authors: Gallenne, A.; Kervella, P.; Mérand, A.; Evans, N. R.; Girard, J. H. V.; Gieren, W.; Pietrzynski, G.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A60, 8 pp. (2014)
- Title: IPHAS and the symbiotic stars. III. New discoveries and their IR spectral energy distributions
Authors: Rodríguez-Flores, E. R.; Corradi, R. L. M.; Mampaso, A.; García-Alvarez, D.; Munari, U.; Greimel, R.; Rubio-Díez, M. M.; Santander-García, M.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A49, 13 pp. (2014)
- Title: Unveiling Energy Contribution of Buried AGN in Infrared Galaxies
Authors: Ichikawa, Kohei; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakagawa, Takao; Shirahata, Mai; Kaneda, Hidehiro; Oyabu, Shinki
Reference: Suzaku-MAXI 2014: Expanding the Frontiers of the X-ray Universe, proceedings of a conference held 19-22 February, 2014 at Ehime University, Japan. Edited by M. Ishida, R. Petre, and K. Mitsuda, 2014., p.323 (2014).
- Title: The planetary nebula IPHASXJ211420.0+434136 (Ou5): insights into common-envelope dynamical and chemical evolution
Authors: Corradi, R. L. M.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Jones, D.; García-Rojas, J.; Mampaso, A.; García-Alvarez, D.; Pursimo, T.; Eenmäe, T.; Liimets, T.; Miszalski, B.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 441, Issue 4, p.2799-2808 (2014).
- Title: Bright Debris Disk Candidates Detected with the AKARI/Far-infrared Surveyor
Authors: Liu, Qiong; Wang, Tinggui; Jiang, Peng
Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 148, Issue 1, article id. 3, 13 pp. (2014).
- Title: The Circumstellar Medium of Massive Stars in Motion
Authors: Mackey, Jonathan; Langer, Norbert; Meyer, Dominique M.-A.; Gvaramadze, Vasilii V.; Mohamed, Shazrene; Neilson, Hilding R.; Mignone, Andrea
Reference: eprint arXiv:1406.0878
- Title: Spectral Energy Distribution Analysis of Class I and Class II FU Orionis Stars
Authors: Gramajo, Luciana V.; Rodon, Javier A.; Gomez, Mercedes
Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 6, article id. 140, 19 pp. (2014).
- Title: A comparative study of infrared asteroid surveys: IRAS, AKARI, and WISE
Authors: Usui, Fumihiko; Hasegawa, Sunao; Ishiguro, Masateru; Müller, Thomas G.; Ootsubo, Takafumi
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 3, id.5611 pp. (2014)
- Title: (25143) Itokawa: The power of radiometric techniques for the interpretation of remote thermal observations in the light of the Hayabusa rendezvous results*
Authors: Müller, Thomas G.; Hasegawa, Sunao; Usui, Fumihiko
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 3, id.5217 pp. (2014)
- Title: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon feature deficit of starburst galaxies in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep field
Authors: Murata, K.; Matsuhara, H.; Inami, H.; Wada, T.; Goto, T.; Armus, L.; Pearson, C.; Serjeant, S.; Miyaji, T.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 566, id.A136, 6 pp. (2014)
- Title: Photochemistry of atomic oxygen green and red-doublet emissions in comets at larger heliocentric distances
Authors: Raghuram, Susarla; Bhardwaj, Anil
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 566, id.A134, 11 pp. (2014)
- Title: Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). First detection of OH+ in planetary nebulae
Authors: Aleman, I.; Ueta, T.; Ladjal, D.; Exter, K. M.; Kastner, J. H.; Montez, R.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Chu, Y.-H.; Izumiura, H.; McDonald, I.; Sahai, R.; Siodmiak, N.; Szczerba, R.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Villaver, E.; Vlemmings, W.; Wittkowski, M.; Zijlstra, A. A.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 566, id.A79, 9 pp. (2014).
- Title: Dusty shells surrounding the carbon variables S Scuti and RT Capricorni
Authors: Mecina, M.; Kerschbaum, F.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Ottensamer, R.; Blommaert, J. A. D. L.; Mayer, A.; Decin, L.; Luntzer, A.; Vandenbussche, B.; Posch, Th.; Waelkens, C.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 566, id.A69, 13 pp. (2014)
- Title: Optical - near-infrared catalog for the AKARI north ecliptic pole Deep field
Authors: Oi, Nagisa; Matsuhara, Hideo; Murata, Kazumi; Goto, Tomotsugu; Wada, Takehiko; Takagi, Toshinobu; Ohyama, Youichi; Malkan, Matthew; Im, Myungshin; Shim, Hyunjin; Serjeant, Stephen; Pearson, Chris
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 566, id.A60, 13 pp. (2014)
- Title: An Atlas of Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions from the Ultraviolet to the Mid-infrared
Authors: Brown, Michael J. I.; Moustakas, John; Smith, J.-D. T.; da Cunha, Elisabete; Jarrett, T. H.; Imanishi, Masatoshi; Armus, Lee; Brandl, Bernhard R.; Peek, J. E. G.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 212, Issue 2, article id. 18, 23 pp. (2014).
- Title: Luminosity and Redshift Dependence of the Covering Factor of Active Galactic Nuclei viewed with WISE and Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Authors: Toba, Y.; Oyabu, S.; Matsuhara, H.; Malkan, M. A.; Gandhi, P.; Nakagawa, T.; Isobe, N.; Shirahata, M.; Oi, N.; Ohyama, Y.; Takita, S.; Yamauchi, C.; Yano, K.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 788, Issue 1, article id. 45, 36 pp. (2014).
- Title: A signature of chromospheric activity in brown dwarfs revealed by 2.5-5.0 μm AKARI spectra
Authors: Sorahana, S.; Suzuki, T. K.; Yamamura, I.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 4, p.3675-3684 (2014).
- Title: Resolved Multifrequency Radio Observations of GG Tau
Authors: Andrews, Sean M.; Chandler, Claire J.; Isella, Andrea; Birnstiel, T.; Rosenfeld, K. A.; Wilner, D. J.; Perez, L. M.; Ricci, L.; Carpenter, J. M.; Calvet, N.; Corder, S. A.; Deller, A. T.; Dullemond, C. P.; Greaves, J. S.; Harris, R. J.; Henning, Th.; Kwon, W.; Lazio, J.; Linz, H.; Mundy, L. G.; Sargent, A. I.; Storm, S.; Testi, L.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 787, Issue 2, article id. 148, 12 pp. (2014).
- Title: The JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalog v2 (JSDC): A New Release Based on SearchCal Improvements
Authors: Bourgés, L.; Lafrasse, S.; Mella, G.; Chesneau, O.; Bouquin, J. L.; Duvert, G.; Chelli, A.; Delfosse, X.
Reference: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 485, Proceedings of a meeting held 29 September - 3 October 2013 at Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Hawaii, USA. Edited by N. Manset and P. Forshay. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014., p.223
- Title: A Sensitive Identification of Warm Debris Disks in the Solar Neighborhood through Precise Calibration of Saturated WISE Photometry
Authors: Patel, Rahul I.; Metchev, Stanimir A.; Heinze, Aren
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 212, Issue 1, article id. 10, 23 pp. (2014).
- Title: Gas and dust in the beta Pictoris moving group as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory
Authors: Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Barrado, D.; Montesinos, B.; Duchene, G.; Bouy, H.; Pinte, C.; Menard, F.; Donaldson, J.; Eiroa, C.; Krivov, A. V.; Kamp, I.; Mendigutia, I.; Dent, W. R. F.; Lillo-Box, J.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 565, id.A68, 11 pp. (2014).
- Title: The Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). I. Data overview and analysis demonstration with NGC 6781
Authors: Ueta, T.; Ladjal, D.; Exter, K. M.; Otsuka, M.; Szczerba, R.; Siodmiak, N.; Aleman, I.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Kastner, J. H.; Montez, R.; McDonald, I.; Wittkowski, M.; Sandin, C.; Ramstedt, S.; De Marco, O.; Villaver, E.; Chu, Y.-H.; Vlemmings, W.; Izumiura, H.; Sahai, R.; Lopez, J. A.; Balick, B.; Zijlstra, A.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Rattray, R. E.; Behar, E.; Blackman, E. G.; Hebden, K.; Hora, J. L.; Murakawa, K.; Nordhaus, J.; Nordon, R.; Yamamura, I.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 565, id.A36, 27 pp. (2014).
- Title: Herschel observations of Hickson compact groups of galaxies: Unveiling the properties of cold dust
Authors: Bitsakis, T.; Charmandaris, V.; Appleton, P. N.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Le Floc'h, E.; da Cunha, E.; Alatalo, K.; Cluver, M.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 565, id.A25, 31 pp. (2014).
- Title: The Solar Neighborhood. XXXII. The Hydrogen Burning Limit
Authors: Dieterich, Sergio B.; Henry, Todd J.; Jao, Wei-Chun; Winters, Jennifer G.; Hosey, Altonio D.; Riedel, Adric R.; Subasavage, John P.
Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 5, article id. 94, 25 pp. (2014).
- Title: The planetary nebula Abell 48 and its [WN] nucleus
Authors: Frew, David J.; Bojičić I. S.; Parker, Q. A.; Stupar, M.; Wachter, S.; DePew, K.; Danehkar, A.; Fitzgerald, M. T.; Douchin, D.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 2, p.1345-1364 (2014).
- Title: Modelling the alumina abundance of oxygen-rich evolved stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Authors: Jones, O. C.; Kemper, F.; Srinivasan, S.; McDonald, I.; Sloan, G. C.; Zijlstra, A. A.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 1, p.631-651 (2014).
- Title: Point source calibration of the AKARI/FIS all-sky survey maps for stacking analysis
Authors: Arimatsu, Ko; Doi, Yasuo; Wada, Takehiko; Takita, Satoshi; Kawada, Mitsunobu; Matsuura, Shuji; Ootsubo, Takafumi; Kataza, Hirokazu
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 2, id.47 (2014).
- Title: Herschel observations of gas and dust in comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen) at 5 AU from the Sun
Authors: de Val-Borro, M.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Jehin, E.; Hartogh, P.; Opitom, C.; Szutowicz, S.; Biver, N.; Crovisier, J.; Lis, D. C.; Rezac, L.; de Graauw, Th.; Hutsemekers, D.; Jarchow, C.; Kidger, M.; Kuppers, M.; Lara, L. M.; Manfroid, J.; Rengel, M.; Swinyard, B. M.; Teyssier, D.; Vandenbussche, B.; Waelkens, C.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 564, id.A124, 13 pp. (2014).
- Title: AGB stars and the plate archives heritage
Authors: Nesci, R.; Gaudenzi, S.; Rossi, C.; Pezzotti, C.; Gigoyan, K.; Mauron, N.
Reference: Astroplate 2014, Proceedings of a conference held in March, 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic. Edited by Linda Misková and Stanislav Vitek. Published by the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, 2014., p.91
- Title: Annual Parallax Determination toward a New X-Ray-emitting Class 0 Candidate with the Water Maser in the NGC 2264 Star-forming Region
Authors: Kamezaki, Tatsuya; Imura, Kenji; Omodaka, Toshihiro; Handa, Toshihiro; Tsuboi, Yohko; Nagayama, Takumi; Hirota, Tomoya; Sunada, Kazuyoshi; Kobayashi, Hideyuki; Chibueze, James O.; Kawai, Eiji; Nakano, Makoto
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 211, Issue 2, article id. 18, 10 pp. (2014).
- Title: CHARA/MIRC Observations of Two M Supergiants in Perseus OB1: Temperature, Bayesian Modeling, and Compressed Sensing Imaging
Authors: Baron, F.; Monnier, J. D.; Kiss, L. L.; Neilson, H. R.; Zhao, M.; Anderson, M.; Aarnio, A.; Pedretti, E.; Thureau, N.; ten Brummelaar, T. A.; Ridgway, S. T.; McAlister, H. A.; Sturmann, J.; Sturmann, L.; Turner, N.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. 46, 13 pp. (2014).
- Title: Fragmentation of Massive Dense Cores Down to <∼ 1000 AU: Relation between Fragmentation and Density Structure
Authors: Palau, Aina; Estalella, Robert; Girart, Josep M.; Fuente, Asuncion; Fontani, Francesco; Commercon, Benoit; Busquet, Gemma; Bontemps, Sylvain; Sanchez-Monge, Alvaro; Zapata, Luis A.; Zhang, Qizhou; Hennebelle, Patrick; di Francesco, James
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. 42, 18 pp. (2014).
- Title: Spatially Resolved Imaging of the Two-component η Crv Debris Disk with Herschel
Authors: Duchene, G.; Arriaga, P.; Wyatt, M.; Kennedy, G.; Sibthorpe, B.; Lisse, C.; Holland, W.; Wisniewski, J.; Clampin, M.; Kalas, P.; Pinte, C.; Wilner, D.; Booth, M.; Horner, J.; Matthews, B.; Greaves, J.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 2, article id. 148, 19 pp. (2014).
- Title: A Tale of Two Feedbacks: Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of Radio AGNs
Authors: Karouzos, Marios; Im, Myungshin; Trichas, Markos; Goto, Tomo; Malkan, Matt; Ruiz, Angel; Jeon, Yiseul; Kim, Ji Hoon; Lee, Hyung Mok; Kim, Seong Jin; Oi, Nagisa; Matsuhara, Hideo; Takagi, Toshinobu; Murata, K.; Wada, Takehiko; Wada, Kensuke; Shim, Hyunjin; Hanami, Hitoshi; Serjeant, Stephen; White, Glenn J.; Pearson, Chris; Ohyama, Youichi
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 2, article id. 137, 23 pp. (2014).
- Title: On the structure of the transition disk around TW Hydrae
Authors: Menu, J.; van Boekel, R.; Henning, Th.; Chandler, C. J.; Linz, H.; Benisty, M.; Lacour, S.; Min, M.; Waelkens, C.; Andrews, S. M.; Calvet, N.; Carpenter, J. M.; Corder, S. A.; Deller, A. T.; Greaves, J. S.; Harris, R. J.; Isella, A.; Kwon, W.; Lazio, J.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Menard, F.; Mundy, L. G.; Perez, L. M.; Ricci, L.; Sargent, A. I.; Storm, S.; Testi, L.; Wilner, D. J.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 564, id.A93, 22 pp. (2014).
- Title: An edge-on translucent dust disk around the nearest AGB star, L2 Puppis. VLT/NACO spectro-imaging from 1.04 to 4.05 μm and VLTI interferometry
Authors: Kervella, P.; Montarges, M.; Ridgway, S. T.; Perrin, G.; Chesneau, O.; Lacour, S.; Chiavassa, A.; Haubois, X.; Gallenne, A.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 564, id.A88, 16 pp. (2014).
- Title: An investigation of the temperature variations in Neptune's upper stratosphere including a July 2008 stellar occultation event
Authors: Uckert, K.; Chanover, N. J.; Olkin, C. B.; Young, L. A.; Hammel, H. B.; Miller, C.; Bauer, J. M.
Reference: Icarus, Volume 232, p. 22-33. (2014).
- Title: Conceptual Design of the NISS onboard NEXTSat-1
Authors: Jeong, Woong-Seob; Park, Sung-Joon; Park, Kwijong; Lee, Dae-Hee; Pyo, Jeonghyun; Moon, Bongkon; Park, Youngsik; Kim, Il-Joong; Park, Won-Kee; Lee, Duk-Hang; Park, Chan; Ko, Kyeongyeon; Matsumoto, Toshio; Takeyama, Norihide; Enokuchi, Akito; Shin, Goo-Whan; Chae, Jangsoo; Nam, Uk-Won
Reference: Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vol. 31, p. 83-90 (2014).
- Title: On the carriers of the 3.4-micrometer absorption and emission bands, and their evolution
Authors: Papoular, Renaud
Reference: eprint arXiv:1403.5938
- Title: SiO and H2O Maser Survey toward Post-asymptotic Giant Branch and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Authors: Yoon, Dong-Hwan; Cho, Se-Hyung; Kim, Jaeheon; Yun, Young joo; Park, Yong-Sun
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 211, Issue 1, article id. 15, 27 pp. (2014).
- Title: Multiwavelength study of the high-latitude cloud L1642: chain of star formation
Authors: Malinen, J.; Juvela, M.; Zahorecz, S.; Rivera-Ingraham, A.; Montillaud, J.; Arimatsu, K.; Bernard, J.-Ph.; Doi, Y.; Haikala, L. K.; Kawabe, R.; Marton, G.; McGehee, P.; Pelkonen, V.-M.; Ristorcelli, I.; Shimajiri, Y.; Takita, S.; Toth, L. V.; Tsukagoshi, T.; Ysard, N.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 563, id.A125, 21 pp. (2014).
- Title: The yellow hypergiant HR 5171 A: Resolving a massive interacting binary in the common envelope phase
Authors: Chesneau, O.; Meilland, A.; Chapellier, E.; Millour, F.; van Genderen, A. M.; Naze, Y.; Smith, N.; Spang, A.; Smoker, J. V.; Dessart, L.; Kanaan, S.; Bendjoya, Ph.; Feast, M. W.; Groh, J. H.; Lobel, A.; Nardetto, N.; Otero, S.; Oudmaijer, R. D.; Tekola, A. G.; Whitelock, P. A.; Arcos, C.; Cure, M.; Vanzi, L.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 563, id.A71, 23 pp. (2014).
- Title: Principal-Component Analysis of the Continuous 3-μm Spectra of Low-Albedo Asteroids Observed with the AKARI Satellite
Authors: Okamura, N.; Sugita, S.; Kamata, S.; Usui, F.; Hiroi, T.; Ootsubo, T.; Muller, T. G.; Sakon, I.; Hasegawa, S.
Reference: 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.2446 (2014).
- Title: Spectroscopic Observations of Dark Main-Belt Asteroids in the 2.5-3.1 μm Range
Authors: Okamura, N.; Hasegawa, S.; Usui, F.; Hiroi, T.; Ootsubo, T.; Muller, T. G.; Sugita, S.
Reference: 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1375 (2014).
- Title: Observational Studies on the Near-infrared Unidentified Emission Bands in Galactic H II Regions
Authors: Mori, Tamami I.; Onaka, Takashi; Sakon, Itsuki; Ishihara, Daisuke; Shimonishi, Takashi; Ohsawa, Ryou; Bell, Aaron C.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 784, Issue 1, article id. 53, 12 pp. (2014).
- Title: Catching spiral - S0 transition in groups. Insights from SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementation
Authors: Mazzei, P.; Marino, A.; Rampazzo, R.; Galletta, G.; Bettoni, D.
Reference: Advances in Space Research, Volume 53, Issue 6, p. 950-962. (2014).
- Title: Discovery of new low-excitation planetary nebulae
Authors: Hsia, Chih-Hao; Zhang, Yong
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 563, id.A63, 11 pp. (2014).
- Title: Neptune at summer solstice: Zonal mean temperatures from ground-based observations, 2003-2007
Authors: Fletcher, Leigh N.; de Pater, Imke; Orton, Glenn S.; Hammel, Heidi B.; Sitko, Michael L.; Irwin, Patrick G. J.
Reference: Icarus, Volume 231, p. 146-167. (2014).
- Title: High-resolution Submillimeter and Near-infrared Studies of the Transition Disk around Sz 91
Authors: Tsukagoshi, Takashi; Momose, Munetake; Hashimoto, Jun; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Andrews, Sean; Saito, Masao; Kitamura, Yoshimi; Ohashi, Nagayoshi; Wilner, David; Kawabe, Ryohei; Abe, Lyu; Akiyama, Eiji; Brandner, Wolfgang; Brandt, Timothy D.; Carson, Joseph; Currie, Thayne; Egner, Sebastian E.; Goto, Miwa; Grady, Carol; Guyon, Olivier; Hayano, Yutaka; Hayashi, Masahiko; Hayashi, Saeko; Henning, Thomas; Hodapp, Klaus W.; Ishii, Miki; Iye, Masanori; Janson, Markus; Kandori, Ryo; Knapp, Gillian R.; Kusakabe, Nobuhiko; Kuzuhara, Masayuki; Kwon, Jungmi; McElwain, Mike; Matsuo, Taro; Mayama, Satoshi; Miyama, Shoken; Morino, Jun-ichi; Moro-Martin, Amaya; Nishimura, Tetsuro; Pyo, Tae-Soo; Serabyn, Eugene; Suenaga, Takuya; Suto, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Ryuji; Takahashi, Yasuhiro; Takami, Hideki; Takami, Michihiro; Takato, Naruhisa; Terada, Hiroshi; Thalmann, Christian; Tomono, Daigo; Turner, Edwin L.; Usuda, Tomonori; Watanabe, Makoto; Wisniewski, John P.; Yamada, Toru; Tamura, Motohide
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 783, Issue 2, article id. 90, 10 pp. (2014).
- Title: Identification of new Galactic symbiotic stars with SALT - I. Initial discoveries and other emission line objects
Authors: Miszalski, Brent; Mikolajewska, Joanna
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 2, p.1410-1419. (2014).
- Title: A CR-hydro-NEI Model of the Structure and Broadband Emission from Tycho's Supernova Remnant
Authors: Slane, P.; Lee, S.-H.; Ellison, D. C.; Patnaude, D. J.; Hughes, J. P.; Eriksen, K. A.; Castro, D.; Nagataki, S.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 783, Issue 1, article id. 33, 10 pp. (2014).
- Title: Final Binary Star Results from the ESO VLT Lunar Occultations Program
Authors: Richichi, A.; Fors, O.; Cusano, F.; Ivanov, V. D.
Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 3, article id. 57, 5 pp. (2014).
- Title: Rotational Properties of the Maria Asteroid Family
Authors: Kim, M.-J.; Choi, Y.-J.; Moon, H.-K.; Byun, Y.-I.; Brosch, N.; Kaplan, M.; Kaynar, S.; Uysal, O.; Guzel, E.; Behrend, R.; Yoon, J.-N.; Mottola, S.; Hellmich, S.; Hinse, T. C.; Eker, Z.; Park, J.-H.
Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 3, article id. 56, 15 pp. (2014).
- Title: The AKARI Far-Infrared Surveyor young stellar object catalog
Authors: Toth, L. Viktor; Marton, Gabor; Zahorecz, Sarolta; Balazs, Lajos G.; Ueno, Munetaka; Tamura, Motohide; Kawamura, Akiko; Kiss, Zoltan T.; Kitamura, Yoshimi
Reference: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 1, id.17 (2014).
- Title: Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of post-AGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at low metallicities
Authors: Matsuura, Mikako; Bernard-Salas, Jeronimo; Lloyd Evans, T.; Volk, Kevin M.; Hrivnak, Bruce J.; Sloan, G. C.; Chu, You-Hua; Gruendl, Robert; Kraemer, Kathleen E.; Peeters, Els; Szczerba, R.; Wood, P. R.; Zijlstra, Albert A.; Hony, S.; Ita, Yoshifusa; Kamath, Devika; Lagadec, Eric; Parker, Quentin A.; Reid, Warren A.; Shimonishi, Takashi; Van Winckel, H.; Woods, Paul M.; Kemper, F.; Meixner, Margaret; Otsuka, M.; Sahai, R.; Sargent, B. A.; Hora, J. L.; McDonald, Iain
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 439, Issue 2, p.1472-1493 (2014).
- Title: A New Framework for a Model-Based Data Science Computational Platform
Authors: Muna, Demitri; Huff, Eric
Reference: submitted to Astronomy and Computing
- Title: The NUV-r versus Mr Plane as a Tracer of Early-type Galaxy Evolution in the USGC U376 and LGG 225 Groups
Authors: Mazzei, Paola; Marino, Antonietta; Rampazzo, Roberto
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 1, article id. 53, 11 pp. (2014).
- Title: The Jet and Arc Molecular Clouds toward Westerlund 2, RCW 49, and HESS J1023-575 12CO and 13CO (J = 2-1 and J = 1-0) observations with NANTEN2 and Mopra Telescope
Authors: Furukawa, N.; Ohama, A.; Fukuda, T.; Torii, K.; Hayakawa, T.; Sano, H.; Okuda, T.; Yamamoto, H.; Moribe, N.; Mizuno, A.; Maezawa, H.; Onishi, T.; Kawamura, A.; Mizuno, N.; Dawson, J. R.; Dame, T. M.; Yonekura, Y.; Aharonian, F.; de Ona Wilhelmi, E.; Rowell, G. P.; Matsumoto, R.; Asahina, Y.; Fukui, Y.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 781, Issue 2, article id. 70, 20 pp. (2014).
- Title: Characterization of the gaseous companion κ Andromedae b. New Keck and LBTI high-contrast observations
Authors: Bonnefoy, M.; Currie, T.; Marleau, G.-D.; Schlieder, J. E.; Wisniewski, J.; Carson, J.; Covey, K. R.; Henning, T.; Biller, B.; Hinz, P.; Klahr, H.; Marsh Boyer, A. N.; Zimmerman, N.; Janson, M.; McElwain, M.; Mordasini, C.; Skemer, A.; Bailey, V.; Defrere, D.; Thalmann, C.; Skrutskie, M.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D.; Tamura, M.; Feldt, M.; Cumming, A.; Grady, C.; Brandner, W.; Helling, C.; Witte, S.; Hauschildt, P.; Kandori, R.; Kuzuhara, M.; Fukagawa, M.; Kwon, J.; Kudo, T.; Hashimoto, J.; Kusakabe, N.; Abe, L.; Brandt, T.; Egner, S.; Guyon, O.; Hayano, Y.; Hayashi, M.; Hayashi, S.; Hodapp, K.; Ishii, M.; Iye, M.; Knapp, G.; Matsuo, T.; Mede, K.; Miyama, M.; Morino, J.-I.; Moro-Martin, A.; Nishimura, T.; Pyo, T.; Serabyn, E.; Suenaga, T.; Suto, H.; Suzuki, R.; Takahashi; Takami, M.; Takato, N.; Terada, H.; Tomono, D.; Turner, E.; Watanabe, M.; Yamada, T.; Takami, H.; Usuda, T.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A111, 20 pp. (2014).
- Title: Spitzer observations of a circumstellar nebula around the candidate luminous blue variable MWC 930
Authors: Cerrigone, L.; Umana, G.; Buemi, C. S.; Hora, J. L.; Trigilio, C.; Leto, P.; Hart, A.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A93, 9 pp. (2014).
- Title: Gas structure inside dust cavities of transition disks: Ophiuchus IRS 48 observed by ALMA
Authors: Bruderer, Simon; van der Marel, Nienke; van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; van Kempen, Tim A.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A26, 17 pp. (2014).
- Title: Properties of star forming galaxies in AKARI Deep Field-South
Authors: Małek, K.; Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Buat, V.; Burgarella, D.; Malkan, M.; Giovannoli, E.; Kurek, A.; Matsuura, S.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A15, 15 pp. (2014).
- Title: Discovery of the Fomalhaut C debris disc
Authors: Kennedy, G. M.; Wyatt, M. C.; Kalas, P.; Duchene, G.; Sibthorpe, B.; Lestrade, J.-F.; Matthews, B. C.; Greaves, J.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 438, Issue 1, p.L96-L100 (2014).
- Title: What obscures low-X-ray-scattering active galactic nuclei
Authors: Honig, S. F.; Gandhi, P.; Asmus, D.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Antonucci, R.; Ueda, Y.; Ichikawa, K.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 438, Issue 1, p.647-656 (2014).
- Title: A radio characterization of Galactic compact bubbles
Authors: Ingallinera, A.; Trigilio, C.; Umana, G.; Leto, P.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Flagey, N.; Paladini, R.; Agliozzo, C.; Buemi, C. S.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 4, p.3626-3638 (2014).
- Title: Unexpected D-type interlopers in the inner main belt
Authors: DeMeo, Francesca E.; Binzel, Richard P.; Carry, Benoît; Polishook, David; Moskovitz, Nicholas A.
Reference: Icarus, Volume 229, p. 392-399. (2014).
- Title: Infrared [Fe II] and Dust Emissions from Supernova Remnants
Authors: Koo, Bon-Chul
Reference: Supernova Environmental Impacts, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 296, pp. 214-221 (2014).
- Title: Physical properties of fullerene-containing Galactic planetary nebulae
Authors: Otsuka, Masaaki; Kemper, F.; Cami, J.; Peeters, E.; Bernard-Salas, J.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 3, p.2577-2593 (2014).
- Title: Revised albedos of Trojan asteroids (911) Agamemnon and (4709) Ennomos
Authors: Shevchenko, V. G.; Slyusarev, I. G.; Belskaya, I. N.
Reference: Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 49, Issue 1, pp. 103-108. (2014).
- Title: V1117 Her: A Herbig Ae star at high Galactic latitude?
Authors: Kun, M.; Racz, M.; Szabados, L.
Reference: Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 6089, 1. (2014).
- Title: Mid-infrared Imaging of the Bipolar Planetary Nebula M2-9 from SOFIA
Authors: Werner, M. W.; Sahai, R.; Davis, J.; Livingston, J.; Lykou, F.; DE Buizer, J.; Morris, M. R.; Keller, L.; Adams, J.; Gull, G.; Henderson, C.; Herter, T.; Schoenwald, J.
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 780, Issue 2, article id. 156, 11 pp. (2014).
- Title: Potential multi-component structure of the debris disk around HIP 17439 revealed by Herschel/DUNES
Authors: Ertel, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Augereau, J.-C.; Krivov, A. V.; Lohne, T.; Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.; del Burgo, C.; Montesinos, B.; Bryden, G.; Danchi, W.; Kirchschlager, F.; Liseau, R.; Maldonado, J.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Schuppler, Ch.; Thebault, Ph.; White, G. J.; Wolf, S.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A114, 12 pp. (2014).
- Title: Near- and mid-IR morphology of the water maser emitting planetary nebula K 3-35
Authors: Blanco, M. W.; Guerrero, M. A.; Miranda, L. F.; Lagadec, E.; Suarez, O.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A81, 7 pp. (2014).
- Title: Disk evolution in the solar neighborhood. I. Disk frequencies from 1 to 100 Myr
Authors: Ribas, Alvaro; Merin, Bruno; Bouy, Herve; Maud, Luke T.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A54, 11 pp. (2014).
- Title: Imaging the circumstellar environment of the young T Tauri star SU Aurigae
Authors: Jeffers, S. V.; Min, M.; Canovas, H.; Rodenhuis, M.; Keller, C. U.
Reference: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A23, 9 pp. (2014).
- Title: Searching for infrared excesses in Sun-like stars observed by WISE
Authors: Cruz-Saenz de Miera, F.; Chavez, M.; Bertone, E.; Vega, O.
Reference: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 1, p.391-396 (2014).
- Title: Gas lines from the 5-Myr old optically thin disk around HD 141569A . Herschel observations and modeling
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- Title: Search for the Infrared Emission Features from Deuterated Interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Authors: Onaka, Takashi; Mori, Tamami I.; Sakon, Itsuki; Ohsawa, Ryou; Kaneda, Hidehiro; Okada, Yoko; Tanaka, Masahiro
Reference: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 780, Issue 2, article id. 114, 9 pp. (2014).
- Title: Detached Dust Shell around Wolf-Rayet Star WR60-6 in the Young Stellar Cluster VVV CL036
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Reference: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 147, Issue 1, article id. 18, 8 pp. (2014).