
Conference Proceedings Now Ready

The conference proceedings has been published as a JAXA Special Publication.
Thank you for your contribution to the conference and the proceedings!

Please go to JAXA Repository / AIREX page for the conference proceedings.


We are going to publish the online conference proceedings as a volume of the JAXA Repository / AIREX (JAXA-SP series).
Submitted contributions will "not" be refereed. The papers will be registered on the NASA ADS.

Deadline for the manuscript submission: Thursday, November 30, 2017 JST
This is rather strict as we have to submit the entire book data by the end of December
Page limits are:
Invited talks: up to 8 pages
Contributed talks: up to 4 pages
Posters: up to 4 pages
Contact address
Any questions and comments are addressed to the AKARI conference proceedings editors:
   akari2017 @

Important points

  1. Copyright form

    We kindly request you to fill and sign the copyright form and send it to LOC (scanned data by e-mail would be fine).
    copyright_agreement_AKARI2017.docx or copyright_agreement_AKARI2017.pdf.

  2. Permission to reproduce figures and tables from published articles

    If you copy figures or tables from other already published articles as they are, YOU should receive permission from both the publishing company and the original author, and an acknowledgment of the source should be included at the end of the caption. If it is your own figures, redrawing with some modification makes it original.

  3. Duplicate publishing

    NOTE: If you plan to write a full paper on the same theme in the future (including forthcoming AKARI special volume in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan), please be careful about duplicate publication (figures and sentences).

Procedures to prepare your manuscript

  1. Download LaTeX package

    Download the AKARI conference proceeding package from here.
    akari2017_proc.tar.gz or

  2. Prepare your manuscript

    The instructions for preparation and submission of papers are given in the .tar.gz/.zip file above. The class file (.cls) is based on the AASTeX class file. You can prepare your manuscript in a manner similar to the AAS journals. Several most important points and specific rules for the AKARI conference are given below.

  3. Submission

    Please upload your LaTeX .tex source file, figures (if any), and a compiled PDF version of your contribution from the submission page.

  4. Revision of the manuscript

    If you wish to revise your manuscript, please contact the editors from the above contact address. We try to include them if time allows.

AKARI conference specific rules

File names
Name your files as: yourname.tex, yourname_1.eps, yourname_2.eps…, where "yourname" is your name distinguishable from other authors. Combination of your initial and surname would be safe. If you contribute more than two articles, distinguish them with numbers like yourname1.tex and yourname2.tex. E.g., tonaka.tex, tonaka_1.eps…, iyamamura1.tex, iyamamura1_1.eps, iyamamura2.tex, iyamamura2_1.eps …
Working directory
Please place the class (.cls) and template (.tex) files in the same directory so that you can make up your .tex file, and compile this with your .eps files, in order to compile your complete manuscript.
No your own macro
Do not define / include your own macro definitions. They will be ignored at the compilation, and result in a critical problem on your article.
We recommend preparing your figures in .eps format. You can use epsf.sty, or graphicx package. If you want to use .pdf, .png, or .jpg figures, please use dvipdfmx option at the first line (\documentclass) in the .tex file. The example TeX file describes a tip of how to put two figures side by side.
Colour figures can be included in the manuscript. Proceedings papers are provided as PDF files from the JAXA Repository web site, and not in printed form.
The preferred method for reference management is to use LaTeX's thebibliography environment. We recommend an author-year citation style. Please at least include authors (surname, first name), year, journal, volume, and pages.
AKARI acknowledgments
If your results are based on the AKARI observations, please follow the AKARI Guideline for Publication and give a proper acknowledgment. Please refer to the example "afakari.tex" file how to do it.

Special Volume in PASJ

In addition, we plan to publish a special volume in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. This is a fully peer reviewed journal and you can publish your results in a full paper. We strongly encourage you to contribute to this volume. For those who wish to publish their results in this PASJ volume please inform us your intention at the registration.