Three AKARI processed data products released
We are pleased to announce three AKARI processed data are released to the public community.
FIS Bright Source Catalogue Ver.2 is the revised version of the FIS Bright Source Catalogue released in 2010. Number of sources, detection completeness and reliability are improved. IRC Pointed Observation Images (Phase 3) is processed Near-IR images from the IRC taken in post-Helium Mission Phase. IRC Point Source Spectral Catalogue provides spectra in the near-IR (2.5-5.0 micron) taken with the IRC spectroscopic mode with the point source aperture mask.
So far the documentation describing the data is still preliminary and does not provide complete information needed for data users. Therefore, the users who want to use the data are kindly asked to provide e-mail addresses so that the data processing team and data users can work closely during scientific analysis of the data. We will keep working to complete the documents, as well as processing more AKARI data in the future.